Recording and presentations: Designing bifacial PV projects

17 March 2020

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Automated transcription (it may contain errors)

Belén Gallego 0:24
Good morning. Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, I just wanted to welcome you and let you know that you are in the right place that we are going to be doing it right here the webinar designing by facial TV projects. Just we’re going to wait a couple of minutes for more people to come into the room. We have quite a full room today. So just a couple more minutes and then we’ll begin right away. In the meanwhile, I’m just going to ask you and invite you to participate or start telling us here you go like visiting from Bulgaria. That’s right. Introduce yourself. Make sure you tag our panelists or Attendees so that we cannot read it. And let’s get a little bit of a conversation going. Two minutes and with that, thank you very much

Well good morning good afternoon ladies and gentlemen and I can actually say good morning, good afternoon because we have people from Mexico from Brazil from Bangladesh, from Chile from everywhere in Spain by the center it Argentina, Italy. Germany It was a one here. So welcome everybody and Dubai as well. Welcome everyone. We’re talking today about designing by facial PV projects. And we are delighted to have you all in here. We have a lot of people online. Partially part of the reason is because we’re most of us working from home, I will start apologizing for my surroundings. But this is what it is like, as you know, we’re here in a little bit of a quarantine Spain, we can leave our homes. Luckily, with things like webinars, we can still communicate and work and spread that information. So we’re delighted to be here today to be actually like helping people you know, find out more about my facial TV projects. With me today two experts on this particular topic and I’d like to ask them to introduce themselves and it would not You go first, tell us a little bit about you, your company and where you’re joining from today.

Unknown Speaker 3:55
Hi, everyone. First of all, thanks a lot for joining you know from different parts of the world. surface on it. I’m from selling and Wilson I had the business of a friend for Europe and Latin America. I’m based out of Madrid, but due to the ongoing situation I’m currently joining from India because I had to move out last week. Just a quick snapshot of outstanding invoices being one of the largest solar EPC in the world with more than 90% of the portfolio. And today I’ll be I’ll be speaking about some of our experience with respect to the beneficial technology. Having executed one project already in Middle East it gives us a lot of insight. And we really looking forward to the session today. Thanks so

Belén Gallego 4:37
much. Thank you very much. Okay, Jose, how about you tell us a little bit about you, your company where you’re joining from?

Unknown Speaker 4:44
Hello, everyone. Thank you for joining us.

Unknown Speaker 4:51
from Salt Lake, and the CTO of sort of tech innovations. The r&d branch of sorta group se The biggest Tiger fighters in the world. We are the third one in draft record. And we are here to talk about by facial technology with trackers.

Belén Gallego 5:14
Excellent, thank you very much. Okay, so today session goes like this press. First we have an email from Sterling and Wilson. Then we have Jose from from South tech and we’re going to have presentations. You can use the q&a box at the bottom to send us your questions and we’ll take them at the end. Okay. So it’s very straightforward. You know, for you guys. I see a lot of names that I already know a lot of people that follow our webinars, you know how it goes. I knew that you want to put up your screen please.

Unknown Speaker 5:42

Belén Gallego 5:43
yeah, sure, just put it up, prepare and was he prepares just to let you know we are recording this session and you will definitely have the presentations and the access to the recordings. So not to worry. We will be in your email in a couple of days and Just like that, we’re ready. So go ahead. And

Unknown Speaker 6:04
thanks again, I think it’s a good time, like you said, Well, no, it’s a good time to arrange the webinar since most of our working from home Unfortunately, the still option we have left now. Anyways, we will try to make the most of her time and see if we and a bit more of this technology. Quickly, just a summary of what we will be going through today in the in today’s webinar. So we’ll be talking a bit on what is this technology is all about? What is the albedo because when we talk about vibration, it is important it is directly related with some of the installation things what we need to really consider talking about this kind of technology, the changes in the beauty with some of the you know economical parameters, what are the advantages if we are using this technology and what are the disadvantage and and the last we will see about what is the winner? forward in what would be the new possibilities in this field. So very quickly. So, I think by now everybody is familiar about the most efficient technology which is more if I have to explain by official I would say to be one of the most and one of the most inexpensive technology by which you can enhance your energy in a given portion of the land person. Why because the vibration remodels, electricity not only from the front

Belén Gallego 7:30
end it is one thing some sound kind of comes and goes Can you make sure that your microphone is up right because we hear you wonderfully and then you kind of shut out let’s try

Unknown Speaker 7:40
Okay, let me try again. So basically by facial technologies, about all about making the the knitting the energy not only from the front side of the of the module, but as well as from the backside of the modules. Why is it possible because when we talk about the efficient model, there is no OPEC or there is no better And in the modules basically what we use is a transparent sheet by which the light can travel and it can reflect whereas when we talk about the monopod more efficient models we use any medium field or a black shield you know to block the sunlight. So this is basically the major difference between mono and by facial. I remember the last time I spoke on the same topic a couple of months back you know, the technology was still relatively new. But as we are advancing, you know, more and more projects are shifting towards by facial. In fact, almost 7060 70% of the bids ongoing in the Middle East are now shifting from one of the by facial, the primary reason like I said, you know, it’s the most inexpensive and one of the most popular way to financially. If you talk about the difference in the in the cell and the technology of the cell, I would say it is normally the similar way you have to manufacture the by facial cell in the factory now difference what we have is instead of the real back sheet, we will have a real contact or real vision for the cell by which we are able to generate electricity from the outside.

Unknown Speaker 9:12
And this is just a classic

Unknown Speaker 9:14
example to demonstrate this, we just talked about

Unknown Speaker 9:20
not using a white cheat

Belén Gallego 9:22
mic again, you will find I was gonna drop it off just careful with it.

Unknown Speaker 9:27
I haven’t tried to hold it in my hand.

Unknown Speaker 9:29
So basically, but the efficient PV model performance like I said, does not depend only purely on the modules, but there are a lot of other external factors like the albedo, like the way the installation has been done, the ground conditions all of these are also impacting the generation what you can expect from the vibration model. So as an EPC, it is very, very important to factor in all the other conditions other than the model, which is definitely is going to be a key technology and the tracker, which my friend Jose will be talking about, you know Have the cracker suppliers can play a very important role in terms of boosting the gains from by efficient sell. So, when we talk about beneficial, the important thing, what we really need to know is albedo and what is albedo it is basically the reflection or the reflectivity of the ground, you know, wherever you’re installing your solar plan, and this value can vary from zero to hundred. So, normally what we have seen the the more the whiter the surfaces the albedo will be. Similarly, if you go to a blacker surface, which has the characteristic of absorbing the line, the elevator will be less and the gain on the by facial module will be you know relatively less as compared to the white surface. If you could see this chart on my screen. So basically, we are trying to capture the the idea for some of the characteristic for a particular side. Like I said, you know, the old beater for the white surface will be highest so for snow it can vary Between 40 to 90 for the eyes, it’s less for water, definitely it’s relatively much lesser because of the absorption power then you know, so, basically why I said the Middle East if we are seeing a lot of products being shifting from the beneficial is because if you look at the elvina for the sand, it is reading between 20 to 40 now and anything above 20 which means that you could expect a gain of minimum four to 5% on on a mono facial module, if you compare it with the by efficient model. So, this is one of the reason why the debates are now shifting more on this technology. How do we capture the albedo? Basically, we have an instrument called albedo meter, which is which is basically a pyrometer two parameters, one facing upside and one facing downside trying to capture the The ingredients for the surface and from the sky and then it is the ratio of reflectivity And the incident right. And that’s how you calculate the albedo. It said dimensional as when you saw it, there is no unit to it, it can it can vary between like I said between zero to 100. There are different other ways to capture the albedo some of the easiest way is to is to look at a table like the one I have shared with you. So depending on the ground condition, and if you have some of those pictures for the particular site, you can imagine what could be the fourth project. second way is which is more accurate I would say and more recommended. One is to capture the on site measurement of albedo, how we do it, we install an albedo meter, we do these studies for ranging from a days to couple of you know, a month. So basically,

Unknown Speaker 12:50
as an EPC. We feel more comfortable if we are able to capture the data on the onset measurement because we are able to write down all the uncertainties In the project, if you are not able to do so, we have also an option to to go for the solar GIS data or the satellite data for the videos. But typically when you are using the solar GIS and satellite data you always have to take certain question on the uncertainity for these volumes. So, when we do the albedo installation, our recommendation is to to capture the albedo not only at one location, but to capture that different location depending on what is the what is the capacity of the project, we are looking at 450 200 megawatt project It is recommended at least two to three locations for the for the measurement of this albedo. And this measurement period can vary between a day or week or a month. So if depending on how much time we are able to get. Secondly, when we are installing the albedo meter, there are a couple of things which we really need to factor in which with respect to the shape shaping on the video. Because if and even when we are installing the albedo meter at abandoned land or where it is unmanned land without any security, we intend to, to fence it. So the things what we really need to ensure that whenever you’re installing the aluminium into the ground need to be completely clear. If there are grass around you will not get the actual rendering of the of the albedo. Secondly, the fence distance from of the algorithm will need to be affected in the minimum distance of fencing depending on the height should be at least two to three meter from the from the from the actual measurement instrument. And thirdly, I would say the the way that data is being captured you know the way the instruments the calibration certificate of the instruments are equally important whenever you’re installing an LP two meter so ensure you have the right calibration certificate when you are buying the equipment from the right manufacturers to ensure there are less of uncertainties and prediction on the inside and more accurate so that your financial model is more secure. So, these are some of the ways by which we are capturing the albedo in the option number two as an EPC, we are more if we are also backing the LP or whatever else we do, we are capturing the, through our measurement, we capture it, and we back it with in terms of the performance guarantees and the bank guarantees that we provide to our customers or to our clients. So, what are the things which we really need to factor in when we talk about the installation side? There are a few things like I said, you know, it’s not only about module, but practice which is one of the key technology again, which helps in playing with the albedo a lot. The one way is the height of the tracker, you know, so the more higher you go, the better they’ll be the will be, because the reflectivity index will be will be better. So the angle of inclusion is is key aspect by which you can improve Your albedo. But of course, if you go on slightly if you keep on increasing the track at height, there will be additional factors you will need to need to factor in which is like main load, if you installed the tracker at more than two meter height, secondly, the foundation will become more deeper and more stronger, which is again a capex related point. So, whenever you taking a decision on what should be the ideal height, installing the modules on the tracker, the only way to decide is the LCD. So, we do the simulations for a particular project and various sites and depending on the height your OPEX is also very you know, so, if you go for the 42 meter or 2.3 meter height of tractor, see OPEX will also vary because then you have to clean the modules at a slightly higher height and you know, the entire arrangement will be slightly different from the nominal one, what we have in conventional way of creating the models. Secondly, I think the very important thing which as an EPC and as an developers people need to look at is how we are managing the cables you know, because we are now connecting the inputs and getting the board they are having inputs not only from the front side of the model but also the back side of the modules. So the proper cable management becomes really really important. There are a few tractor suppliers who are already you know, giving a lot of emphasis on this. And charcoal tech also have certain solution around it. But the way we do it is we the string cable always passes through the dock to you. There is a picture I think you can you can visibly see the cables are passing to the top view. This is a way to minimize your shadow on the modules because if you lose if you keep that if you keep these cables as a new escapers they will definitely going to impact your in simulation because of the shadow. It may have on these models. cuddly which is meaning This with respect to the frameless modules or the clamps you know, if you between the frame and the frameless modules definitely there is a there is a commercial and the capex, you know difference if and there is a difference in the grounding. If you go with the frame module you have to go for the grounding without frameless modules you know you don’t have the grounding, but then you have the clamps and in sometimes these these clamps are the rubber clamps and the tightening of these clamps becomes much more trickier during the installation because if you type it slightly higher, you know if you put more pressure it may even break the glass. So it is more important as an EPC to give a lot of emphasize if we are working with a frameless model, they are more delicate to handle. But they are they are again cheaper as compared to the frameless. So it’s all about the lcV and it’s all about the capabilities of the EPC to handle these kind of models.

Unknown Speaker 18:57
This is some of the pictures you know just to replicate this to showcase our amps are being stolen. You can see on the right side of your screen there is a picture of the clamp so these amps are we are using for the for the frameless modules to hold the models. And on the left side you can see the screen which is typically the height of the tracker. In both so even on the tracker, we have two options. We have one p tracker, we have two p tracker, there are a lot of I would say differences in people’s mind whether to go with one p or whether to go with two p as an EPC. We have work already on a to P technology for one of the project we did in Oman, for one of our client, which is already commissioned, but I think it is it is not I would say as an EPC. It is difficult for us to to draw any conclusion between 1pm to P both have their advantages and disadvantages. I would say it is more of a site specific requirement, what we really need to look at for some of the site, we are now seeing that one P is turning out to be equally competitive as compared to P. But, again, it’s a it’s a site specific decision what we need to delineate. Secondly, let’s talk about what changes in terms of your biochem. And also, when you’re shifting your technology from more efficient to beneficial, what are the possible changes, one change, which we all know is is the number of inputs which is going up because the combiner boxes are going up and the number of inputs to your inverter will again be going up. There are ways to reduce it you know if you if you are able to get access to 40 ampere 50 amp fuses, it is possible to to use vi connector but initially for the for the beginning, you know, when the patient was turning out to be more conventional or more, more popular. People were struggling to use the wire connectors but now we have the solution in terms of fuses. Second is that DC cable will definitely go in. So, it means when this cable is going up your training requirement will go up and there will be a slight increase in your in your overall installation costs and in your view costs. So, this is these are the main I would say the changes in terms of the view we will talk about more economical consideration between these two technology one is between even between models you know even between by efficient model and data frame frameless then there are two types of technology P and di and then we have activity also. So, that module pricing can vary between among these technologies as well. But the good thing is between mono and bifurcation here There used to be a differential of almost $2 and in terms of the capex of the module, which has come down drastically, which means for us for the same site, we there may be a possibility to shift The technology from mono facial to by facial without having a much of the capex employees, which is turning out to be definitely turning out to be no game changing technology for all of us. Secondly, in terms of balance of supply, tracker is one thing. People are still spending a lot of r&d on this a lot of pressure guys are coming out with new innovation. They are companies who are who are claiming, you know, increasing the albedo value by the way they are using in terms of the foundation solution they are proposing with the tracker. So there are different ways of playing with the albedo and overall increase again, but it all comes at a cost. So the increase in the tracker costs as we go higher on the height combiner boxes, yes, the number of inputs are going up the clamps would be additional. So these are some of the parameters what could increase your capex when you’re talking about by Fisher installation. One is the foundation length because The increase in the wind load and because of the increase in the in the wind load the foundation going deeper and stronger. And secondly the cable trenching, which is basically the DC cable we’re talking about, then

Unknown Speaker 23:12
the land cost you know, so, when we when we are talking about the by efficient technology and for comparing to mono facial, that ground coverage ratio for by facial is is relatively much lower than the mono which means you may require a higher blind person, you know, if you want to increase the gain, you know further than what is expected from the same technology. Whenever there’s still a few crazy there are still few points which we really need to come up with. One is the cleaning for the backside of the models which is still a question that a lot of people are still trying to figure out the ways to clean the models. Currently, the way we are considering is probably a manual cleaning which is only five possible way to clean the modules at a given time, but the way the technology is advancing, we are expecting something very, very soon people will come up with innovative solution for the winner. But definitely because of the maintenance of the albedo and to ensure that the grasses and everything the ground conditions does not change drastically, as as compared to the start of the project, that owning costs is is going to be slightly higher than the normal standard cleaning costs and the maintenance costs for the project. I think the last point financing is turning out to be this is this this was an issue initially in the beginning but now as that technology is maturing, this is relatively getting easier. You know, people are showing more trust on the financing side. If I’m not wrong, I didn’t buy as on today almost three gigawatts of power efficient modules are already been already installed or under execution. which demonstrate the confidence which is shown by the by the lenders. But this could be still a challenge when we are talking about this technology for the new countries probably like Caribbean region, where solar itself is taking some time you know to get mature for the markets where solar is already Metro by getting the financing part by facial will be relatively much more easier as compared to the to the new markets. So, what is in a way by facial manipulation? So, one is definitely what it helps is it can increase your yield depending on six to 15. With, I would say fodder for a particular side without any much of r&d and without getting into much of detailing of engineering side, you can expect gains between six to 10% and with slightly weak in the engineering and getting into the nitty gritty of tracker and pitch and the Don’t condition beacons in peace degeneration for up to 15% which is again a possibility to go higher but that’s that that means the initial investment to improve the ground condition. Second is I would say the durability of the of the plant and overall modules because we are not using the these are the glass glass modules and we are neglecting the need of the aluminium fonts they are getting giving us more mechanically stronger modules they can withstand for up to 30 year life cycle. So, the typical warranties what we get with this efficient model is 30 year as compared to 35 years but the model supplies are given to us. Now for the poly Some are already proposing 34 mono facial also but for by facial it’s it’s it’s becoming an industry norm now, for the for the long term quantities. Thirdly I think it gives us a lot of For a lot of flexibility in terms of the design and you know, so, it does not really matter you know the which way you are you’re facing the model because by facial also factored in in the reflectivity factor of the ground condition. So, the direction that models are facing becomes less important, but again you know, when you are designing and being when you are competing in a competitive bid, we have to run different simulation to still find out what will be the best optimal facing for these modules. Another thing which is which is considered, it is relatively new but could be probably a new, I would say innovation for regions like Ozark Russia, where there is a issue with the small law. People are now talking about vertical installation. Because, you know, with vertical installation that the actual yield can further go up by 20% or 25%. But this is this technology would be more useful for Like I said for the, for the places where we have issues with with heavy snow loads and this is still not as mature as what we have seen in the other technology.

Unknown Speaker 28:11
warranties I already said you know it’s basically 30 year lifetime, but another good thing what we get with by facial is the is the annual degradation which is half a percent as compared to Polly or phenomenon which is between point six to point 7% PhD free, this is one of the key factor when we are using by facial because we are not using any backside material it reduces the risk and because of this the models are ad free. So, basically potential induced degradation is completely zero for efficient. And then the last point is mainly for the famous module where we do not need any grounding because there are no frames to the models. But in case of frame with models grounding is still required because the framing is the only medium what we have What are the issues and what are the disadvantages? So, we talked about the advantages for the by facial, but what could be the possible issues with this technology? One is because we are using glass glass, the doubleness the weight of the module is becoming heavier which is making the tracker cost goes up because of the heavier module the tracking need to be more heavy the structure is becoming heavy and that is one second the albedo maintenance of the albedo and also this is purely OPEX costs you know, if your ground conditions are changing over a period of time, it will definitely going to impact your financial model or your financial understanding what you had from the beginning of the project. So, it is very very important to give enough emphasize on how do we how do we ensure to control the the ground conditions to ensure the LBO is not changing drastically over the years OPEX like I said, you know the OPEX is is higher As compared to the normal standard maintenance, what we do on the module, some of the questions are still unanswered on the backside of cleaning of the module. But sooner I think we will have a we will have some solutions for this. Whether framed unframed modules there are a lot of times people ask these questions in on females tend to cause less laxity back backside shading. But since all of these is is related to the site, I think we cannot conclude it is in a black and white that by facial frame is better than unframed or unframed is better than the frame. It is more dependent on the site characteristic. But one important thing in both the thing what we really need to factor is the real shading, you know, where the tracker guys are definitely going to play an important role. Currently the near shading, what we are seeing is is ranging from 5% and typically these kind of shading we take from the tracker Boolean Mark commendation and there is a lot of area of improvement in this site we feel that this 5% of reissuing can definitely go down to 3% and we have already started seeing in couple of completed tenders we have participated in Middle East where people are are expecting to do so. So, I think real sharing is one thing where we have been need to definitely optimize or more on improving regeneration and what are the way forward in this technology. I talked about vertical integration which is useful for the areas which has heavy snow load. By this kind of installation we can definitely you know, negate the load on the modules because we are installing the models vertically and this can help us in increasing the scale further to 10 to 20%. So, if you are if you are expecting a 15% gain on the by official.

Unknown Speaker 31:53
Expect further additional gain on on 10 to 20% on the second technology we are working is on the Wi Fi profile. Basically, it’s a kind of East West, but with but again with the efficient sort of modules, this again helps you in improving the generation not drastically and today’s technology which is literally new and we still need some more time, because the LBT for the water is not as good as we have seen for the ground, but people have started exploring and doing a lot of RND on this site is the fruiting on the efficient, I think it can it will take some more time for fruiting to be successful with by facial but with the kind of innovation we are seeing in the industry on a weekly basis may not be it could be a possibility. So I think that’s to summarize you know as an EPC. We are comfortable in all sorts of technologies. We have seen the the advantages and disadvantages with mono with by each technology has its pros. cons, it’s more about site specific characteristics, what we have to really look at. And the I think the way the industry is moving forward, we will have slightly more innovation even on the by facial very, very soon. So thanks a lot. Well, and I think I would like to summarize my presentation.

Belén Gallego 33:24
Thank you very, very much. It was a long, a very interesting and very detailed presentation, I’m going to ask you to take your screen off so that you can prepare yours. And one thing, we have a lot of questions and in the end, I know that you’re very good with your debit everything someone asked you because we’re not going to have a lot of time at the end. to answer those by text. Please, if you may, and Jose, can you please take your your your microphone off

Unknown Speaker 33:49
as well?

Belén Gallego 33:52
Yes, there is a bunch of them that are very specific for truckers. So you know we can go to those those later but in the meanwhile You can solve some of them. You should make it easy for us. So I need your microphone on. Perfect. And can you make that larger? Yes, I can still see the PowerPoint with the two sentence.

Unknown Speaker 34:13

Belén Gallego 34:15
Yes, perfect. You’re ready to go.

Unknown Speaker 34:17
Go for it. Okay, I will start my presentation. This is about deciding my features to the project specifically with solar trackers. And I would talk about our PVC Let’s begin with my facial technology. Okay, this is the index of this presentation, I will introduce the salt tech with our track record so far with beneficial technology. So you have an idea of the reality that these technologies already today and then I would tell the story about our our our beneficial experience since 2015. Our plan to this year later, I will go in detail about what how was our first my fish of the plant in Chile lasagna and its results. Later we’ll talk about our bicycle struggle evolution center in Livermore, California, where we are testing several configurations. And I will explain the results of that full year of data the site and then I will go slightly over some, a couple of examples of large city plans with biotechnology with our targets. And I will finish with some operation and maintenance considerations regarding this technology and trackers and what to do and what not and their conclusions. So we start with our track record. So tech is the third track manufacture in the war in Iraq record this year, we really have more than nine gigawatts in total. Here the numbers are around the globe and I will mention everything but see of those gigabytes are by facial trackers. Okay, so this is more than our realities already earlier by this year will will be half of our production in methodology. Okay, and we’re expected to go to go up. Our SPS started in 2015 in a in a plant called lasagna in Chile, where we developed the first tracker, ready to to stall by facial modules. It was it was a very special site and I was playing later in a specific slide and later in 2017. So take loads the end f7 by PCL, our, our standard by facial tracker. And, and with some advantages some some differences for the standard drivers to make it higher with higher performance versus the the one party targets. In 2018, we integrated the bicycle together tech innovation center in Livermore, California, where we installed a unique site for testing several albinos DC ours at Target designs and, and to collect all the data and see what happens. So we have a fair comparison. And last year and this year 2020. We already accumulated three gigawatts in projects already delivered or shipping or being installed right now. And these are some examples. Starting with lasagna, it was a special site because this commercial TV plant 1.8 gigahertz divided into the fields. One of them was with animals. Another one with animals with optimizers integrated in the denture box. And the other field was with by facial modules. Okay, the GCI was 0.7 33. And this is how it looks like this. This was the tracker that we installed. We left a huge gap in between the doctor and the doctor to avoid any shadowing. We also left some open spaces in between the four modules we left open space, just to make sure the light was going through the structure

Unknown Speaker 38:56
and the results

Unknown Speaker 39:00
The results for the first year in that data plan were really shared by our customer. The average was 13.3. By fish again, the the by facial modules versus their standard modules. And we also get the good the results for the modules with the smart modules, not the optimizers. And they realized that it didn’t make sense to to use that technology because it wasn’t paying therefore, of increasing the performance. But the BI official is clearly increasing the performance and not affecting that much the Catholics big solution. These are some themes that were shared by our customers and the levelized cost of electricity will be reduced to a point 2% for 15% of official game. And this are this deeply three was the official game that we obtained with the by facial modules technology back in 2015. And now this year, we have some improvements this technology we can expect even more. That’s why we have this 15%. And I will go over these details and start talking about my fish. Let’s talk about evolution center in Livermore, California. This blood that we installed in California is made up with 28 trackers. And we wanted to get long term by facial tracking data from different scenarios. We wanted to recreate conditions if you went to large utilities, testing plants, and we wanted to categorize all the variables affecting Electrical performance, these are the most important viable the most important factor to take into account with this plant DCR is also very important, the hate to the ground and shading interferences of the cabling and tracking the structure. So we went to get the official game taking into account everything and playing with those all those parameters in this plan. Our main target was to optimize the our tracker to get to a better design that our current design to develop advanced bicycle tagging algorithms, and also to improve the simulation parameterization and this is something very important because it’s hard to to get to an agreement with all the models and and how to simulate

Unknown Speaker 42:02
credibly this by fish at the site

Unknown Speaker 42:09
sorry, this is the layout of the plant where we can see here in this corner one p trackers. We have three rows of one p trackers with a quarter DCR and then we have two p tags all around the plant. And with different I’ll be the configuration. This white ground is a special material that we installed to prove the albedo. The green is a seasonal albedo when we left the ground to change according to the seasons. And here we we put some gravel. It was white at the beginning and later we will see how it changed with the seasons. So we were testing different DCs different tracker designs and see different albedo configurations. And important thing is to note that this blue trackers are the ones that we are considering in our study. So they represent more accurately at what we will see in a real plant in a utility scale plant. So we, we, we use the central values of the central triggers, in order to get more results more closer to the reality.

Unknown Speaker 43:46
Usually, we see the site

Unknown Speaker 43:49
we see in many places, we see laboratories and other companies. We show in test sites with just one tracker or just one row of modules. And that

Unknown Speaker 44:00
Good but it’s not accurate.

Unknown Speaker 44:05
So after the full first full year of field data in biotech, here we we represent the results or the Bethesda game. For technology this, this is the 19.9 the season on albedo, and this is how it was changing. With the seasons. We have four in yellow, winter blue spring and green summer in red and the full years in gray. The Grotto average is 29.5. And for this white material, initially white then it changed a little bit. The average albedo for the full year was 55.6. We can see a little gain ranging from 7.3% to 15.7. In the best case This is like we can see a comparison of the results for the best. I’ll be the situation 55.6 comparing the one port side and to portrait target configurations, and this is how they perform based on the same, same modules that the same DCR configuration, but one P versus two, three

Unknown Speaker 45:30
because the hope is

Unknown Speaker 45:34
at the end of the year, you get 16.8 to be 13.6 in there won’t be at how it was constantly over. They won’t be doing the whole year. This results are based on energy performance on multi level, okay. And only the internal targets were considered. I mean This slide we see a table survey a bit difficult to understand but I will try to explain okay this is again a comparison and with an analysis of the parameters that are affecting it each of the of the other factors okay. So, if we go this is one thing, this is to be and this is the, what we call B factor, okay I call it into the view factor is the there is really really relation between the height to the width of the trucker they won’t be higher than the to be okay. The shaded area reflection is a bit higher in them in the tepee. This is because of the the shadow is lighter because the molars are farther to the ground. The two slight is slightly higher in the tepee, this is also because of the actual tape of the target. And then we have here also difference in the one P versus two p we are we lose some energy due to tube saving. And we are avoiding any gap any any shadow from the structure or cabling to the backside of the audience in our saga. This is the radiation through gap. This is subtly the radiation that we can get reflected reflected back from the top tube to the backside of the modules. Thanks to this gap, we are allowing and this is the mismatch. Okay this is a parameter that is slightly lower for our two p trucker versus the one the temperature is another surprise because it The loss of energy due to temperature loss that loss of energy due to temperature is minus 5.1. And two B is minus 3.9. And this is because of the, the height of the truck. They absolutely because they’re the body is at a higher higher level, I suppose to cooler wins and wins with higher speed also the cooling itself is performing much better with that with a tape. So, at the end we get almost 2.1% in the total compares. These are in the last column we see the equivalence with these parameters. So, if you want to simulate with pvcs it struggled these are the the the parameters to tell In the software, here we see some examples of large PV plants already installed with our structures. This is Magdalena, two in Mexico. 219.5 megawatts with our SF seven, two by 42 by Fisher. These are 6533 trackers ready installed up and running in Mexico with this technology UCR is 38.4. So it means that for installing these plants and get in a good place, ACL gain doesn’t need to go to lower DCs. You the lower you go, the better but you still can get this profit with this DCs. Okay, the operation started in q4 2009. In this is another example sango sallow one and two in the field add in 608 point 67 megawatts in a single beneficial blend with tags. You can see here the dinko modules dinko boxes. This plant is so large that started the last year and is still

Unknown Speaker 50:26
under installation and commissioning.

Unknown Speaker 50:31
We have 17 468 trucks the single blind and in this fund they are playing with two different DCs. The two the the how the light was was was designed, there was a bit of this plan is 25%. So we didn’t expect them to to add anything to improve this audience. Probably. This has two realities plants that are encouraging our customers to continue with this technology and also with our results. And I will finish with the O and M considerations beside beside examples of how our test site in Livermore, California was changing along the year is the same piece of land but with the of course. So this is something to take into account to have in mind that we if we want to keep constant or if we want to guarantee at some average I’ll be the level alone the year we had to take care of the ground and and had to work probably more. Also some other things to go see that the bigger spaces in between taggers The easier is to access for cleaning and for for removing the grass. So if you have big machinery for removing the grass, you will need a VPN between trackers. So for the same GCR if you install to be trackers, you’ll get easier access under the talk, as you can see here, this one policy toggles as the low to the ground that the the graph the machine didn’t wasn’t able to access to the center part. So and this is the back side by side models. So this point already I already mentioned is the clients need to guarantee an average yearly LBD. This is something that their designers, the plants, talking about features and the features Working in on and has to consider albedo enhanced materials, what they call a when I get the reduction and are already being deployed being deployed in some large scale plants. And we are also working in in some around this together with our strikers. And these solutions also require a maintenance during the life of the plant, you need to clean the material you need to remove the plant around or underneath. And in some cases you need to replace them during the year of the the life of the plant. And that’s something to consider. And here are our conclusions. The main influence is the result and the seasonal variations. We can play with our visa we can see your delta grantee somebody But we have to, to that would be an extra cost for them or so has been already five years since our our first commercial plant with official Tigers was loving the plant. And that was a very good start for us. The data from the plant is encouraging us to continue with this technology. Our clients who already have tried without sugars and beneficial plants, half the numbers and they are continuing to have repeating without technology from our biotech plant, we get 15.7% of fH again with reasonable high albedo and 7.3 with CSR I’ll be the numbers are really quite good and and I’m higher than And expecting initially and we also soon mentioned that by facility are the modules is improving lately, so, we can expect much more here also the material we use for improving diesel diesel is not the best we have testing with much better materials and we can expect this number to go higher

Unknown Speaker 55:28
this year.

Unknown Speaker 55:30
So, they can play some of the two ports, this is 141 year of data is 2.5 higher and the main difference is the lack of shading the real data The more you higher distance and I am talking about actually distance between targets and absolute distance to the ground and also due to the lower operating temperature. Buy forget the knowledge of reality as you have seen in the two examples. They say 28 megawatts with the official Tiger’s single plant seal. And also we have to consider the operation and maintenance to keep a to a grantee that their performance is going to be respected.

Unknown Speaker 56:19
The sun Thank you.

Belén Gallego 56:22
Thank you very much to both of you this have been quite lengthy presentation. So we don’t have a lot of time for for questions. I’m just going to ask actually, can I ask you to take off the the presentation of the screen, please? horsa.

Unknown Speaker 56:37
Actually, guys,

Belén Gallego 56:40
I know that you’ve been doing a very good job, you know, you got through a lot of answers. I think you’ve must have answered about 30 questions. We don’t have a lot of time someone asked, you know, you can actually like questions and there’s a couple of questions here that have four likes, so I’m just gonna ask those two questions. And I’m sorry that you know, there is like another There is at the moment 33 questions open and 34 have been answered so we just don’t have time. So when Ellen asks, Can you tell us some G is or satellite data base to obtain information about Lv device values? Is there any data but I mean, it’s really hard to think about. So let us know.

Unknown Speaker 57:21
So, the question is for me, Bella.

Belén Gallego 57:26
Sorry, go ahead. Yes. Do you

Unknown Speaker 57:27
Yeah, okay.

Unknown Speaker 57:28
So basically Yes. So, in the pvcs solar GIS also gives us albedo for a particular site, but like I said, I said in my presentation, the GIS data or the satellite data, whatever we use, we always have room for uncertainty, which can vary between 3% to 5%. Hence, it is always advisable as an EPC and as an IPP, to have the on site vision meant to keep no room for for these uncertainity given the kind of competiveness we have seen in the recent past globally and solar, these kinds of uncertainties make us uncompetitive. And hence, for the initial assessment, we can definitely go with solar JS data because that will give us a good insight about the potential of by fishing for that particular site. But if we decide to move forward, it is recommended to have the on site measurement anyways, the albedo costs, you know, the albedo meter does not cost too much. It the cost can vary between 10,000 to $40,000. And by having these kind of data we can secure we can we can secure the financial model in a better way. So that’s the that’s my recommendation.

Unknown Speaker 58:45
Belen on this

Belén Gallego 58:46
Yeah, there was a question about how much it costs and stuff so you’ve answered the questions at the same time.

Unknown Speaker 58:51

Belén Gallego 58:52
yeah. Um, there’s another question then. You can then jump in, you know, and answer those is what have you learned anything? Is it practical to stall mirrors at ground level to increase albedo and reflect sunlight directly back to the underside of the PV panels. So, yeah, there’s like an extra added of mirrors. I don’t know how you would manage to keep those clean but anyway,

Unknown Speaker 59:16
I don’t think it’s a good idea. Because you know, the three sides of the modules get diffuse radiation, okay? That’s, that’s what they see. And if you try to direct the light with mirrors, you will have to move the mirrors to to send the light to the right spot in the rear side of the bodies. So mirrors will reflect light, depending on where the sun is, and not in a diffuse you know, in the not diffuse light will be direct light and it’s much better to Something white and white materials are already available from some manufacturers. So that’s what we are testing right now.

Belén Gallego 1:00:09
Okay, where materials? One more question is my own, you know, there is so many open that in terms of the banks, you know, how are the banks taking it with this new technology? What kind of warranties or technical assessments or like financial whatever, what is it that they want to see, in order to go to the back a product like that?

Unknown Speaker 1:00:31
Usually Bellamy lots of banks are reluctant when the technology was bit new, but after executing more than three gigabit of products, you know, globally, what Jose also showed in his presentation, I think banks are now more comfortable. And this is something which which an IPP and the EPC both have to really take, take it out, you know, if you have an EPC, who’s backing up these innovation gains, in terms of giving you the performance bond and the warranties and not only for the year. But also for the subsequent year which can which can, you know, go down after year to end to the contract. The banks are finding it comfortable. We are seeing most of the bids in Middle East are already happening. The large scale you know when I say the bids in Middle East there are always more than a gigawatt plus going into by efficient I think the bankability is definitely improving, but it can be challenging the newer countries you know, like I already mentioned, for projects and Caribbean are the projects in Africa where bankability with the with the normal modules is still a is a difficult task. Bringing in by facial can be challenging on those market. But for the metro market, I think it is very much accepted. And welcome.

Belén Gallego 1:01:44
Excellent. Well, I’m really sorry, we cannot take any further questions. Now. We will forward you guys the question so that you have an idea what people have been asking for. And thank you very much everyone else that is there. I look forward to seeing you in the next webinar. Thank you very much and you don’t know thank you very much for teaching us so much. Today I am glad to see how much this has come along in the past few years since we started doing webinars on this is really interesting. And the floating TV, you know, like my official review is just insane. So, Alright, thank you very much and see you next time. Bye. Thank you so much

Unknown Speaker 1:02:18
Stacy. I think

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