Recording and presentations: Grid Edge Solutions to accelerate renewable deployment in islands and remote communities
9 July 2020
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Unknown Speaker 0:00
You are, if you have come to the webinar, green edge solutions to accelerate renewable deployment in islands and remote communities, you have come to the right place. We will wait for a minute or so before we start the webinar as such, and in the meantime, I will do a few housekeeping announcements. Firstly, well, jobs to let you know that you will receive the video recording and the slides delivered during the presentation. So Fear not, we’ll send them to you by email and probably early next week. And also I’d like to let you know that you know, you can ask questions during the webinar. So it’d be the first time you can’t do an APA insights webinar. You can see at the bottom of this screen there is a q&a or question And answers box and Will’s hamidah and badler are delivering verb presentations, you can pose your questions there. I’d also Well, we have a tradition here at Ada insights that we ask everyone in the audience to post where they’re joining from. So I am here in Madrid, Spain, and so is my colleague, Manuel, although we’re in different occasions because well, everyone knows what’s going on now. Right. So, just before weeks, we start, I’d like to make an announcement on behalf of Hitachi ABB power Great, so on July 1, he actually Ltd and ABB Ltd, completed the formation of a patchy ABB power grids Ltd. So these joint venture brings together highly respected companies to create a new global power leader. So that’s Joshua, you know that you know who will be addressing you today so well, I think we’ve given enough great time to those viewers in my B, who might have been logging and natively behind. So thing is probably as good a time as any to start. So, before we start, could you, Manuel, could you stop sharing the screen? And I’ll get each of our speakers to briefly introduce themselves. So how you do Could you please introduce yourself briefly in a couple of sentences?
Unknown Speaker 2:48
Sure. Thank you, Carlos. I’m happy Debbie Taff, the senior advisor in credit solutions at that he touched ABB power grids and I have a global role. So I work with customers who are interested in grid edge solutions. And we provide different consulting and advisory services to help them through their renewable investments.
Unknown Speaker 3:13
Thank you very much. And Abdullah, Please, could you introduce yourself and also get ready to deliver your presentation, please?
Unknown Speaker 3:22
For sure. So thank you, Carlos. And thank you, Hameed. So my name is Pablo storegga. I’m the regional sales manager for a business we co create edge solutions that ABB II touch ABB power grids that focuses on what we will deliver today integrating renewables providing poor quality solution for remote locations and utilities based in Madrid, same as Carlos and we will start shortly with the presentation. So
Unknown Speaker 3:48
allow me to to present it.
Unknown Speaker 3:51
Yeah, I can see it now.
Unknown Speaker 3:55
There we go. Now is full screen. Perfect. These Pablo over to you.
Unknown Speaker 3:59
Perfect. Thank you again, Carlos. And thanks, everybody for joining this this webinar on grid edge solutions to accelerate renewable deployment in Island and remote locations. We have structured this presentation in basically two blocks, how we’ll try the first one, which will focus on context to market drivers. What are the challenges that we see in these kinds of scenarios? And also, what are the types of solutions and of course, we’ll also talk about real life examples that illustrate what I just explained. Then we will move on to the second part, which will be driven by holiday in which we will actually look at specific business case analysis and more detail into real life situations that explain how these systems actually work. And in between both blogs and also towards the end, we will have some polls to gather a little bit of your insights and feelings about what what you see in this market. So without further ado, let me start by stating that credit solutions is what we refer to as a combination of different technologies that help us address the challenges and, and the needs of Island utilities in remote locations. We will speak a bit more about that later on during the presentation. But it’s important to understand what are the market drivers behind these? This market needs so these customers right so on the one hand, we see a clear need for more affordable electricity in many locations, the important few makes electricity extremely expensive and particularly when compared to the mainland. So that is a challenge in many clue in many places. In a way. Some of the creates, particularly in many Island utilities and also remote locations are maybe not as strong as they should be. So there’s a need for a grid stability, power quality improvements. And this is also something that we see as a strong need for many utilities and other types of customers seen in this kind of projects. And also of course, we see a very clear trend in their deployment of renewable energy, renewable energy in the form of solar wind. There has been a clear trend over the last decade or more depending on on the location in these, of course brings a lot of opportunities. Also some challenges and and between those two, we try to provide solutions that that actually help address those challenges and increase the opportunities. So of course, allowing an island utility or a remote location, to become energy independent, to increase power quality to reduce the cost of electricity are all and of course to reduce the carbon footprint and maximize the penetration of renewables are all clear goals that maybe were challenging to achieve only a few years ago, or maybe a decade ago, but are now a very, very visible with some of the technologies that we will discuss today. So we will talk about the technologies but we will also talk about the numbers and how they will actually a drivers through a very, very complete analysis that shows how these products actually work not only from a technical perspective, so
Unknown Speaker 6:54
with all this in mind, it’s probably obvious that or logical that many islands nations around the world have actually developed policy and regulation around the deployment of renewable energy. So as you can see, on the left of the slide and the chart, there’s many cases in which some targets have been defined for maybe a penetration of renewable energy between 10 and 20%. or higher, right, we are taking a snapshot for the targets by 2030, which is just around the corner and returns it. But you can also see that for that same timeframe, many high island nations have actually decided that they want to source their electricity from 70 to 100% renewable sources and that is really a very bold a goal but also a feasible goal. It’s visible when one plants appropriately and when one actually deploys the right technologies. Of course, this is the case everywhere. So you can see on the right hand side of the chart, a map that shows you get a little bit of a picture of where policy and regulation is today in place a or above To be in place implementing such goals, we see a lot of activity in the Caribbean we see a lot of activity in, in the Indian Ocean and of course in the Pacific Ocean and as well in the, the Atlantic. So pretty much everywhere, we will discuss in a bit more detail, some cases that we see around the globe. And one thing maybe that is important to highlight this is hero talking about policy and regulation in this chart, but there’s in many cases that clear drive from customers that even in the absence of policy and regulation, they see a need they see a business case and they end up deploying projects by themselves, as we will see in more detail later on. So, now these goals, these goals cannot can be achieved, but they cannot be achieved by a simple technology alone. So this is why we talk about great edge solutions. creative solutions is in our view, at least a combination of different elements. If we start at the bottom of this slide, we see that we are obviously combining different assets. Maybe solar PV, or wind, and of course, energy storage, maybe in the form of batteries, or the like. And these are physical assets, hardware assets that are deployed in a particular system, right. But of course, these assets have all of their advantages depending on the location depending on the conditions, but they do not magically work together, right. So we need a layer of intelligence above that is starting to refer to control and automation that allows those physical assets to then be combined and operated together. So this is what we call the control or automation layer. And this allows us to do a lot of interesting things like for instance, make sure that the overall system complies with the grid code, make sure that we manage properly the feeders and the loads that we are trying to serve with these renewables or the existing fossil fuel base generation or with the energy storage device themselves. So there is a level of automation and intelligence that we necessarily need to deploy in order to make sure that These assets are not individually seen, but that they are working collectively as a system. But even beyond that, and they obviously you, you might notice that the higher we go in the slide, the more advanced the more sophisticated technologies come into place, we might then start talking about supervisory control and data acquisition systems, SCADA systems, just for data acquisition, understanding what’s happening in the system, being able to take action on some of the things that might be happening. And of course, at some level above, we might want to use cloud based solutions for data access monitoring and controlling remote systems. And very, very interestingly at the very top of these chain, we see what we call applications, which could be a very good fit for many cases. For instance, if we need to do forecast, production, forecast or optimization of the planning, so if you imagine you have a combination of assets that could involve solar PV or energy storage in form of a battery or wind, there might be taking A recent why we, we might stabilize the system in a certain way. But there could be other reasons that are maybe not technical in how we actually manage the system. Do we want to store the excess energy of the solar PV for in the battery for use at a later stage? Or do we actually want to sell it right now or put into the grid right now there are different strategies and combinations that can be actually performed. And these happens with what I would call advanced optimization software, which is very sophisticated part of the, the suite that we
Unknown Speaker 11:32
that we call when when we refer to create edge solutions. Now, with these technologies combined in whatever form, we can actually do many different things. So very important when we’re trying to deploy a system and decide what we’re doing is trying to understand what is the challenge that we’re actually solving. We like to say that very often battery energy storage systems can be looked at as a Swiss Army knife. So a tool that can do many different things. And it’s important to understand what are we actually trying to solve with a battery. energy storage system we can actually perform as you can see on this slide, frequency regulation services, we can of course, also provide peak shaving, which is extremely useful in many cases we can help with spinning reserve and provide directly spin reserve and therefore release a use that is currently being done by maybe some generators with the associated cost. In Of course, we can do many other things as well seamless transition between on and off grid modes, of course, maximization of the renewable energy integration. So there’s a number of different functionalities that can be performed with the same technology. So it’s very important to understand what is the challenge that we have and what are we trying to achieve, so that we can then properly design in size the system to overcome the challenge and run the society in a very in an optimized manner.
Unknown Speaker 12:49
In general, what we see with Island utilities and remote communities is that we see Dr. For has saying at the beginning for create stability, a PowerPoint We will see some examples in a couple of minutes. Whether it’s islands that are hit by hurricanes or if there is, in some cases, maybe some instability coming from the introduction of renewable energy, or simply difference in peak loads from different seasons. All of these are challenges that of course, pose a problem for the operator of the system. And they can be solved with the same with the same technology. But it’s very important to understand the problem, what are we actually trying to solve on we deploy a system because that is the only way that we can then size an optimally designed one. One thing that is important to highlight is that while there is not always a need for renewables to already be there, before we deploy a battery energy storage systems, it is common that they’re already renewables in place. It’s also common that the battery energy storage systems can be deployed to make the system for mobile ready, as we call them. We’ll explain this with a very graphical example in a couple of minutes. I just want to make the point. Excuse me. That is very often the case that it makes sense to start maybe with a, a battery storage system that provides power quality that increases the system reliability, and then maybe later on, start deploying renewables to the rate that is maybe expected to achieve those targets that we mentioned in the earlier in the earlier slide. Now to provide a more visual representation of what we’re talking about, so we’re talking about the functionalities, we’re talking about the market drives needs. How do the systems actually look like so we thought it might be worth showing how we actually envision them in Hitachi ABB power grids, there’s different ways to approach a project but essentially we split it in two different types. So one is what we call integrated in which a single enclosure houses, everything from automation to power electronics, electrical, AC and DC equipment and batteries, of course, and then there is the other route, which we call modular, which for larger projects, looks at it Outdoor equipment on the electronic side and on the electrical side on the transformer side. And then containerized solutions for the batteries themselves that need a very special conditions when it comes to temperature, humidity and the like. So with this in mind, it’s very important to say as well that regardless of what solution size and approach one takes, the functionalities can be achieved by by both. And also they are important to be understood upfront, or else there is a risk of obviously, not optimally designing a system properly. So with that said, let’s go into something more practical. So let’s talk about specific cases, of course related to islands and remote locations that we have seen and what we have seen that, that the challenges were there and the solutions came through the step of technology. So let’s take first time example in the Caribbean. This isn’t in Grand Bahamas. So the Grand Bahama Power Corporation had some issues with power quality and then grid stability and this is primarily driven by one of their main industrial customers, which is the port. And in the port, you typically have number of cranes. And those screens are quite demanding when there’s a lot of traffic and also they are driving some peaks. Of course, if the crane is moving unloading containers and then dropping them off, and then maybe moving another container that has a lot of peaks and quite some stress into into the system. So here we have a case in which without renewables in place, a the introduction of a base of battery energy storage system makes perfect sense for two reasons. One is solving the issues that were there already, that we’re putting some stress on the existing generators in these cases, as you can see on the slide, there were diesel generators, improving power quality, system stability, and at the same time, as I mentioned earlier, as well making the system renewable already. So the system would have struggled to incorporate renewables with the existing a power quality issues, if it weren’t for the system that that it is now deployed. And now We have factually, after having completed the system seen a couple of benefits that that are real that have been there. One is that after a hurricane hit the island very hard last summer, with a best in place the recovery of the full electoral system was much faster than in the past. It was also done in a gradual manner and with much more higher, which was much more higher power quality. So, this is an example also of how these systems can help recover from unforeseen or unplanned situations. And of course, the second one is that now there is an introduction happening off renewable energy in this case, PV that is now being introduced into the system in a safe stable manner without any poor quality issues. So this is an example in which a graded solution in this case a combination of a battery system and automation, no renewables at the very beginning, it helped solve the challenges of this utility which were around our quality. Let’s move on to a different example. This one is in South Africa, Robin is Land is a small island off the coast of Cape Town in South Africa. It is a small system it is today a world heritage tourism attraction and it has been traditionally run by by diesel generators. And what we did a couple of years ago is we introduced a combination of the not only the existing details, but also solar PV in the range of 600. As you can see 600 700 kilowatt peak, and then a battery system with 500 kilowatt of power rating and about 800 kilowatt hour of battery. And what we do with a combination of all the systems and of course, the automation layer that I mentioned that makes it all work together, ease were able to run the system purely on solar and battery throughout the day. And obviously only run the diesels whenever there is no sufficient renewable energy resource in this case solar and the battery is depleted. So if there is enough solar resource then with that on the battery, we can run the system managing the fluctuations coming from the solar whenever there is a no More resource or it’s maybe coming close at night, and maybe the battery is depleted, then at that point in time we run the thesis. This allows us to run the system for more than nine months on solar, which is a fantastic achievement. And during many times, like I said, most of the days, it runs without any detail at all, which is a significant and a fantastic change versus the traditional operation of this system. Of course, it’s all modular, so it can be expanded depending on the needs of it of the system. So it’s a different case than the one before here. It was the introduction of renewables, what drove the, the install installation of that battery system, same technology, slightly different application.
Unknown Speaker 19:41
Let’s now take our journey to a slightly different place, Alaska. So as you can also see different weather conditions and different environment. Backlund and during our two very remote communities in northwest Alaska, and what has been happening there is kind of similar to what We have seen Robben Island. So operation based on detail, and the introduction renewables, in this case, not only solar, but also wind in the ranges of power that you see on the slide. So in the hundreds of kilowatts, what we have been able to achieve with this system is a couple of things. On the one hand, these communities have achieved energy independence, they have reduced significantly their diesel consumption, which is extremely a useful and helpful, particularly also when it comes to logistics in places that are not easily accessible in the in the winter, it’s very good if one does not need to store the right quantity of diesel or buy it at the right time in the market. So it’s very good to become energy independent. But it’s interesting as well here that we are managing multiple resources that we’re integrating. So it’s not only solar and diesel and the battery as we saw earlier. It’s also wind so we can then take the benefits of the wind blowing maybe at night on the solar producing during the day. And the combination of all these assets. Again with this layer on top of automation and intelligence and control. It would make the system be able to run In this particular case for several days in a row without any diesel at all, so very interesting case as well again in in very different conditions as well in when it comes to climate and environment around it. What do we have next is an example in a very different location. So this is a the island of Puerto Santo in the Madeira archipelago in Portugal. So in the Atlantic Ocean, and here again, we have a different case we have already existing renewables on the island we have a system that has some challenges in the sense that it’s a tourist place as well. So when summer the load has a big deviation versus maybe the winter load, so there are some challenges there one managing the grip and the great and also of course, the existing diesel generators could use some optimization when it comes to managing the ie the unplanned issues that could happen in the grid, how they will explain actually in more detail with real data how the system responds to a events that happen in the grid. But I think what’s important to explain here is on the one hand, that there is a big driver, once again by a, in this case, another utility that has renewables that he’s willing to grow, that renewable energy makes, in this case up to 30%. And that he’s also having some issues on the grid, there is an opportunity with these technology credit solutions to actually manage those challenges and get ready for further integration rules. So these are very different examples. As you can see, I hope it’s clear that the the technology that we use is the same but the application that we use it for is different. So in some cases, we saw pure power quality issues in grandma’s we saw renewable energy integration in Robben Island was also the integration of multiple sources of renewable energy in Alaska. And now we see here a combination of different aspects. What is important to note is that in this is why we show on the slide and in the map, is that the same thing technology can be achieved for many different functionalities, but also for many, many different regions, many different conditions. So they called Alaska and hot in South Africa, for instance, to pick those two examples, or in islands remote communities of any sort. And as you can see, it’s, it’s deployed in the same fashion, right? So we might go for a fully integrated solution, a fully modular solution, but at the end of the day, same concept, a showing the benefits of this technology and how they apply to the particular cases which which customer so, regardless of location, regardless of whether regardless of size, we would approach it in the right way. What’s important to understand is what is the challenge that is there and how do we try to solve it so we can do proper and optimal sizing. Now with that said, we will move on into the first of our bowls and then how they will continue to to go into the details of one of the business cases that we have presented.
Unknown Speaker 23:55
Thank you very much, Pablo for your presentation. So now Manuel, you Have the screen ready to start the bowl? So, right. So, you know, we just want to see if you’re still. We’ve also fully Yes, we can see the first few answers. So give us your your thoughts. So have you deployed any micro grid slash energy storage projects so far? Let’s say give it a minute or so for the poll to be answered. And, well, wills do answer your poll, I’d like to remind you that we are definitely recording the session and you’ll get a recording of the session in a couple of days time and we’ll also send you the slides. And also, well, for now focus on answering the questions on the on the poll, but remember that you can also post questions on the questions and answers box. I can see that some of you have already posted some questions or will after hammertoes presentation which will come just now, we will answer as many of them as possible. So, right It seems that everyone who wanted to take part in the poll has taken part. Let’s give it a few more seconds to see if anyone
Unknown Speaker 25:24
would go. So. All
Unknown Speaker 25:28
right, well, thank you very much for your participating base index bowl. So as you can see, you know, most like three quarters of participants in this poll haven’t yet installed a micro grid or storage project. So you’re at the right place to to learn.
Unknown Speaker 25:50
Unknown Speaker 25:53
then we have a second question here. Which is when are you good? Wanting to deploy your next micro grid or energy storage project. So you can see the options there. You have next month in the next six to nine months next year, or I don’t know just exploring for now.
Unknown Speaker 26:20
Let’s give it a few seconds so everyone can take part.
Unknown Speaker 26:28
Right so well seems a you’ve got the hang of it now. So
Unknown Speaker 26:33
right. All right. So
Unknown Speaker 26:37
Manuel, over to you if you won’t do
Unknown Speaker 26:43
if you want to continue, hang on, let me give me one second with bass
Unknown Speaker 26:51
Unknown Speaker 26:56
right so
Unknown Speaker 26:59
think We can start the polls now and allow me to do present. Manuel. Yes.
Unknown Speaker 27:12
Unknown Speaker 27:15
So I have made a place over the floor is yours,
Unknown Speaker 27:21
Chara. Thank you, Carlos and Pablo. So let me share my screen.
Unknown Speaker 27:41
Okay, perfect. So can you see the screen now?
Unknown Speaker 27:44
Yes, I can see the screen now.
Unknown Speaker 27:46
Perfect. Okay, great. So I will continue the webinar. From this point. And as permission I will describe some measured operational data From our Palo Santo best project that we installed this, the best energy storage solutions for our customer em, then I will describe a business case for eyeland utility or remote comm remote community that has the target of reaching and achieving renewable goals and reducing their carbon emissions and then we’ll go through a power system study just a brief you know, just like three slides of each to show that how has the difference between system response before and after integration of energy storage.
Unknown Speaker 28:47
Okay, so,
Unknown Speaker 28:50
so here, you can see the operational data for our Porto Santo best project. Through the And the data acquisition is actually through them Hitachi ABB power grids Network Manager. So you can see their load for this 24 hour. And also there’s 16 megawatt diesel generator that was operating. And then you will see there, two point 25 megawatt of solar than you have been been here. And the blue line is showing the best operations throughout this 24 hours of window. As you can see the event that we’re looking for, and this slide is a high renewable penetration. So you can see, during the day we had increased penetration of renewables from solar. And what battery did was actually providing frequency support to the system so that it can stabilize the system and somehow sustain the frequency within the global market. margins and their frequency is also shown in the graph below. So, debits actually provided a frequency support and stabalize degrees during the Hardy new Bell and contribution times.
Unknown Speaker 30:21
Okay. So, the next slide is actually again related to our image, best project for Porto Santo and as you can see, it is related to the contingency of generator outage event. So what happened here is actually the time windows for 40 minutes. And you see the measured operational data for the frequency and we had three generator outages during these events. And you can see depth data frequency has dropped through these events and depth 3d responded for these grid generator outages. So, they batchi actually compensated the generator outage and provided the support for the frequency excursion and sustain the frequency within sustainable margins. So these are our real operational data from our portal standard project. And that we put, we provided the best solutions for em utility e m is actually the utility that supports the islands of Madeira and Porto Santo. So, let’s move to the other chapter. And so now I want to discuss a business case for an island utility. So, I will discuss these businesses in the next three slides. And we will explore the investment options for battery and energy storage solutions and their impact on renewable content. tribution lowering the cost of energy. And, you know, the project time for this analysis is more mainly like 20 year lifetime as we have in this scenario. And the island has a goal to be more affordable to have more affordable electricity, access to a stronger grid and have more renewables. So, these are the main three goals for the island and island has the peak load of 50 megawatt and actually suffering from occasional voltage and frequency issues that have some power quality challenges. So, you can see here that we have asked him some economy can cost data for the installation of a solar PV battery and also the best and we have considered different scenarios to be analyzed in this business case. So we can see what is the payback on what is IRR? What is the renewable penetration in each scenario. So the first scenario is actually Their business as usual, which is diesel only scenario. The next one is the renewable ready that will explore the benefits of adding energy storage and improving power quality and also providing spinning reserve for additional for future renewable installation. And the last two are kind of evaluating the case study of both renewables and energy storage in Ireland.
Unknown Speaker 33:32
Okay, so
Unknown Speaker 33:34
let’s look at let’s actually digging more to the different scenarios that I just said and then we will discuss the results. So here, the initial grid, as you can see in this in the base case, which is diesel only, is powered exclusively by diesel generators, and during the peak day time, eight of them needs to be on and one of them needs to As there is there and that one is shown is in the red diesel generators symbol. So, from the base case we add this to the system and we move to the renewable register scenario. So, what will happen here is that you will notice that two of the generators are now off because the best can improve the fuel efficiency and also improve the power quality and also provide reserve in case of any generator outages. So battery is an important investment here because it can solve the one of the challenges of Thailand to improve power quality. So when we move to the next scenario, which is the medium renewable scenario, we will add PV to their system, just to increase to actually have renewable penetration in the island. And you could have considered adding wind but usually solar is the more viable and practical in a real and but it could be there been there’s no issue on that. So the medium renewable scenario includes a 10 megawatt solar here and a six megawatt and our five megawatt hour of the best. And when we move to the high renewable case, we will add more renewables and energy storage to provide the required spinning reserve for the solar. And as you can see, during some sunny daylight hours, all the generators could be shut down. So this could be the one of the you know, just flashbacks flashback to the top pillow case that Pablo mentioned on Robben Island that one of our progress projects could operate nine months after months on renewables and energy storage. So this could be the case that when you have a high sunny day lights, you can turn off the diesels on only operators renewables and energy storage like it. So let’s move to the next slide which demonstrate the final result results for these scenarios. So as you can see, this was the base case that has power quality issues and there was no renewables. So the island was looking to increase their renewable penetration and also improve their power quality. So what happened in the renewable ready case that we employed the battery solution as you can see, this case has the strong return comment to the others of 27% IRR and best is important for the island to actually to provide a reserve for the future renewable investment. And when you then move to their medium renewable scenario, you can see that we have 20% of renewable power attrition here and the power quality is improved here. And we have also reduce reduce the LCA, which is the cost of levelized cost of energy by 13%. And by increasing the renewable penetration, you can see that a renewable contribution will be increased to 35%. But for sure, that needs additional investment. So, like I said, each each of these scenarios really depends on if there’s any limit on the capital investment for the island if there’s any certain goal for to meet for the renewable contribution. And if they’re, if Thailand is planning, for example, to invest in renewables in five years, or no, just one year, so we can talk to to the island treaty or the remote committee for each of these scenarios and see which one is actually more appropriate to meet their goals.
Unknown Speaker 38:02
So, let’s look at actually the the next analysis. So, actually the diamond business case, we have already a white paper published on that the three slides that I just showed you. So we will share that with you after the webinar. So you can read through the white paper, which is I think, eight page paper and for the dynamic analysis, so let’s move to them and dynamic analysis of the grid solution. So, here, we consider the hypothetical Island and you want to see what is the impact of bears on the island utility before and after integration of discrete this technology. And the study that I will present actually based on our one of our published papers that we can share the link with you works. So, as you can see, the island has a peak load of 13 megawatt and it has a crane on site. So, it is dealing with the power quality issues because crane is a dynamic load and it will create frequency fluctuations for the island and Island is supplied by five diesel generators here and is planning to invest in a four megawatt wind farm. So, and is also to have some protection system and requires some rapid control for the future meaningless. So, what are the best applications that the utility is looking for in this case. So, in this case the utility is looking to get the benefits of installing gas three megawatt on 1.5 megawatt hour energy storage and achieve the goes up ensuring a stable operation for the island grid and supportive frequency and voltage through any contingencies and also provide rapid control and improve their power quality issues. So, I will discuss that in the stimulation of the dynamic analysis for two contingencies which are load step change and also the generator trip events in the next two slides.
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