Recording and presentations: How to Design, Construct and Operate CSP Towers with Molten Salt Storage

06 May 2020

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Belén Gallego 0:48
Welcome ladies and gentlemen, I just wanted to let you know that we are going to begin this webinar, this online session in two minutes. We’re just gonna allow a few more people to come into the room And today we’re here to discuss exactly how to design construct and operate CSP tours with molten salt without two experts of today, but literally two minutes and we start, I would invite you to use the chat on your right hand side to introduce yourselves your company. And also tell us where you’re joining from. Please make sure that you actually tag all attendees so that we can all read it because if you just put all panelists then only me Manuel and Johnny can read it. So just, you know, we all want to know. And without further ado, literally one minute with that. Thank you very much.

Well, good morning, good afternoon or in the case of some people, I think it’s like really early in your morning or very late at night, depending how you look at it. Since we seems that we have people from Mexico even. I just wanted to welcome you to this online session. We’re talking today about how to design construct and operate CSP towers with molten salt storage. For those who are very familiar with the technology. I’ve seen some names Hello, Giuseppe. And also people who are new to the technology perhaps, let me give you a little bit of context on how and why towers so there is two different kinds of CSP or concentrated solar power technology. Main for the technologies there are more but there were two ones that are most commercially deployed. parabolic troughs and then tower. In the case of tower, they’re usually what is understood is that the efficiency is higher, the temperatures are higher and has a number of technical advance advantages that you know, Manuel and john are going to tell us about. But it also has, of course, the issue that is a little bit more complicated in there is not as much deployment as parabolic trough. So there is less people who understand how to build them design them very well, even though it’s a technology that has been deployed like quite widely since like the 70s. If I’m writing with solar, wind and solar to still, you know, with the fact that there is not that much at the moment. So we’re learning slowly but surely. And today, I mean, we already have that was there operating more than 150 megawatts per hour. So, this is what we’re going to be talking about here today. And I can see here that there are people who could lecture as all you know about diverse, welcoming nothing. So I’d like to ask Carpet experts for today to introduce themselves. Manuel, can I ask you first let me take your microphone you mute off. Could you introduce yourself shortly and your company?

Unknown Speaker 4:10
This of course, Hello, everybody. My name is manual smelters, and I’m technical experts over concentrated solar power business line from the energy sector of the company called john cochran. And I’m in charge of the technical aspects of the supply business line and managing the r&d. I’ve been working for general credit since about 10 years. I was first involved in industrial boilers, and no moved a few years ago in erotic energy.

Belén Gallego 4:41
Thank you very much, man. Well, I like to ask now Johnny, I’m gonna mute your microphone if you could please introduce yourself.

Unknown Speaker 4:49
Okay. Hello, everybody. Johnny Lou. From subcon solar power says p technology provided. I’m the director of oversee business development just in charge all the overseeing projects. And yes, it’s very happy to be here and talk to everybody.

Belén Gallego 5:14
Thank you very much Yoni I see also we have Manuel Blanco with us so we have like heavy weights in the industry guys no pressure you got a lot of pressure right well so once I explain the session Manuel Why don’t you share your screen and we can you know in the alley explain how this is gonna work and welcome everyone. You know, it’s really good to see people from wide you know, we have people from Australia, we have people from Mexico, you know, the combi, like the times of day, they’re completely different. And we have a lot of people from India from Germany. A lot of people from Spain, of course, you know, France. I’ve seen a little bit of everything in Nigeria. So welcome, everyone and thank you for being here. Manuel is going to give a presentation john is going to do a presentation then We’ll take questions both of them have worked extensively with ours and as of late you know in the in the latest developments, so they will have information probably that will be useful to everyone but please, please feel free to use not the chat you know, the chat we actually use for you know, comments and things but the q&a, which has like a nice list that we can manage for your questions and we’ll take them after the after the presentations are over. Just to remind that we are recording this session, we will send you the recordings and we will send you the materials. Okay. Well, without further ado, let me take your microphone off and off you go.

Unknown Speaker 6:39
Okay, perfect. Thank you. So before to go ahead with the design of Solaris Eva would like to just to, to present and Kerkorian a few slides. So the third uncreated, that about 200 years ago, is quite old company. The products were different, but the repeat as a few remain the same. Same to provide answers to the needs of all time. So preserving Natural Resources contributing to renewability, producing sustainably fighting against insecurity and facilitating access to renewable energy. And an interesting fact to mention about the company is that the founder, john cochran, has been a pioneer in steam production and actually lounge the industrial revolution in your contribution to business, government and community services and associated equipment for the sector of energy, defense, industry, environment, transport, and infrastructure. And we are about 6000 employee and we achieved a turnover of about 1.3 billion in 23 countries and five continents.

Unknown Speaker 7:50
About the energy sector.

Unknown Speaker 7:52
As mentioned before, the production of steam is a long story for Janka Korea. Since decades, we design manufacture Industrial boilers and recovery steam generator for combined cycle power plants historically This is it and based on the strong expertise in steam production pressure plus the mal efficiency and swana we developed two generation of tomsula receiver first the direct steam generation and after that, the molten salts that I received. And finally, I mentioned that we are so active in storage of energy and in production storage and distribution of renewable hydrogen. So, let’s talk about the receiver in creation in 2011, Junker chrysella develop and provide center wide receiver and other components of for high power concentrated solar power station. So, first we have designed and provided the center receiver from the power plant of Kissel on 150 megawatt. This is a plan currently in operation in South Africa. It was the first generation of ceramic, silver and gold to produce high pressure severity. Then, because of the need to reach a long duration storage and be able to produce electricity 24 seven how Tim has developed and provided the molten salts that I received to equip the solar plant Sara domina de and Sheila 110 megawatts this project has been delayed and restarts recently. We are not reaching the end of the construction phase at the end of the year 2017 and crystallographic contract for molten salts that are receiver in the friend of ruining Hashi Project 50 megawatt So, this is a receiver currently in commissioning phase and more recently at the end of 2018. We have been around for the supplier and the receiver do a project in Dubai 100 megawatts, and this receiver is almost ready to be lifted at the top of the tower. So but better than around Be sure to picture from our project in China so that he projects 50 megawatts. And if you have a look at the top of the tower, you will have a great view of arson I received about from from this equipment. JOHN Korea is also designing and providing multiple floors in generator and this project has been developed taking into account mainly two feature. First, we use internal welding for the connection between the tubes and the tube sheet. Instead of expanded tubes to improve the configuration in terms of fatigue, avoid risk aversion, get the leakage free design. And then we have an original helical buffer that we use to decrease the pressure drops and get a fully free heat exchanger. But let’s go back to the Renaissance the receiver already for the first generation direct streams innovations that our receiver had to face to high level of strain high level of stress, then night cycles, huge gradient and so on. And when the market demand evolved, mainly to increase the storage capacity as mentioned differ from directing generation to more than sources people plan, we had to add freezing because the soul freeze below 230 degrees, corrosion and other specific risk to the list. So, first career was a boiler provider and based on experience and after 10 years of development, we began an independence and our receiver provider. So, basically we can work with every provider and set up our seller receiver on every time you give us the agility required to provide what is the best answer to every challenge listed on the previous slide. So, to do so, we have defined several Denver area, troops nice the flexibility the reliability and the permission Most of our equipments, so, in terms of flexibility, we have taken into account the frequent starts up and shut down the right range of ride range of operation between 2100 persons and the flux and temperature ramp

Unknown Speaker 12:17
in our design and you know lifetime increases the reliability of equipment is ensured by of course, and adequate material selection and the use of john cochran monitoring system by infrared camera a slide about that later. And finally, the optimal choice for limitation and about this limitation they have to be chosen as accurately as possible without margin to be sure that the slot receiver integrity is more than one and ensure and the other end to optimize the performance of the plant. And last but not least, the pressure drops and accessibility are so key parameters in the design of our equipments. To minimize operating costs to take into account these design criteria actually they are integrated in a drunk recruiter First Fleet made up of three software called Sarah receiver designer, Sarah receiver simulator and Serato receiver monitoring. So, a few words about this receptor we use to take care of the design the polarity right design software, steady camera dynamic model, we use it mainly during proposal stage to optimize and guarantee the performances of the center receiver. Based on the front effects map the main inputs will be the flux map coming from the heaviest provider you tell us to validate the receiver dimension to check the internal design criteria such as the salt velocity, or the internal metal temperature which has to be limited to avoid corrosion and when another other internal criteria the second software is a salary server simulator, we use this dynamic model in the frame of a project to check the server receive a response to external dynamics validation solicitation. So for example, when a cloud appears or when a country matures, this tool calculates the evolution of the tank level, the pressure, the temperature, we were in the receiver. So this is truly a tool, let’s say to predict the future and simulate the dynamic behavior of the service. And finally, the center receiver monitoring software is set up on site to be sure that our theater works below the limits in operation. So the software of course is also very useful to extract data and analyze it to well to learn and to learn lessons.

Unknown Speaker 14:52
Before to wrap up,

Unknown Speaker 14:54
I would like to make a focus on several very important aspects, on which john cochran Pay particular attention to guarantee the receiver lifetime and the performances which are very, very important points. Since the beginning the understanding of the corrosion behavior has been highlighted as a key factor to increase the performance of a molten salt sealed CSP plant. Indeed, I was talking about limitation if the metal temperature limitation could be increasing, the performance will increase also. So, we decided to lounge a conversion test campaign to optimize this limitation. And this molten salt test loop will be in operation in summer and will allow us to simulate the Sella flex then night cycle and the erosion induced by the flu etc. Apart from corrosion, the loop will be also used to optimize the heat exchange and perform additional campaign to prepare the future with new friends, new materials etc. And the second point illustrated on this slide is the constitutive model of the materials we have built based on different mechanical mechanical test. Thanks to a sophisticated thermal mechanical model and this constitutive model, we are able to evaluate accurately the specific lifetime of our solar receiver in the frame of each project. Another important aspect regarding performances is the observer code in general freelance develops the code three 750 makes our service even more efficient and done free credits and occurring after application. And while it will reduce maintenance operation on sites, leading to increase the availability of electricity production of the plant several slops over coating were tested and compiled by the DLR this npsa a different test condition I’ve seen on the list that we have some guy from DLR so hello to them, and well that they’ve judged that the courtroom 750 from Genco query was very useful. stable and rigid which is the highest seller of servants

Unknown Speaker 17:05
in the nickel coating test

Unknown Speaker 17:09
Finally, I mentioned that we have done hundreds of simulation to analyze the preheating before filling the soul freezing, the hydraulic in the center receiver, the feeling itself, the drainage, the thermal mechanical behavior of the to the terminus, etc, etc. And we do not hesitate to perform tests in labs, such as in a wind tunnel to calibrate and improve the accuracy of our simulation. So, in conclusion, based on 20 years of experience and to deal

Unknown Speaker 17:41
with a lot of challenges, constructed as defined

Unknown Speaker 17:45
key parameters and design criteria. And they have been implemented in our software to take care of the receiver during proposal, project and a permission and we actually feed our mother and father funded to the improvement to our design criteria thanks to the lesson learned, test result simulation,

Unknown Speaker 18:07

Unknown Speaker 18:09
Thank you very much for your attention. Don’t hesitate if you have any question.

Belén Gallego 18:14
Thank you very much, Manuel, if you can take please your screen off so that you can share his yesterday or maybe I can help you. Okay, you share your screen. Let me take your microphone off mute. And I just like to also take opportunity was, you know, Jonas is putting in his presentation up to thank our sponsors for this webinar, Sqn provider of natural solar salts and Siemens, you will know Siemens, and we want to thank them because it’s thanks to their support that we’re able to create content like this ongoingly. So, you know, thank you very much for that. And for anyone who is interested in participating in this supporting us get in touch with us, you’ll need to go ahead and

Unknown Speaker 18:59
buy You can see my screen.

Belén Gallego 19:01
Right can indeed Yeah, perfect.

Unknown Speaker 19:04
Okay. So

Unknown Speaker 19:07
I’m Johnny from Search Console, I’m

Unknown Speaker 19:10
going to share our practice and experiments in the in the CSP

Unknown Speaker 19:18

Unknown Speaker 19:20
There are three parts.

Unknown Speaker 19:23
The first part I’m going to introduce so called solar quickly. Yeah. Our company is one enterprise focused on the tower CSP technology. We were founded in 2013. We have three backgrounds. Why is the SOCOM SOCOM group support group was created by one of the top universities in China called So University in 1990s and we also have another tool shareholders wise how to boiler Why is your steam too bad because they provide the the receiver and the turbine equipment and to make a whole package for the CSP technology sukar Solar Sync since the foundation. We have a dedicated in the tower CSP technology now we have 202 patents covering the technology in the solar field and some more storage and the software for the CSP plant. And our main business model is a technology provider and equipment provider and We we also can do the development invest, construct and operate the CSP plots.

Unknown Speaker 21:12
We have four main project the reference,

Unknown Speaker 21:18
one called Dillingham ting megawatts, this project has three years operation. And in the very beginning, it’s a steam receiver and we changed it in 2016 to molten salt. Now it has run for three years with a nice performance. And the second one called the dueling half 50 megawatts.

Unknown Speaker 21:46
It’s a modern assault

Unknown Speaker 21:49
tower SSP.

Unknown Speaker 21:52
It’s a synchronized in December 2018. Now has a center loss commercial operation and the third one is called the gonca 50 megawatt project. And this project is owned by a company called the power China. It’s synchronized during September 2019 for the first two projects, so Khan Sala is the owner and developer and also we did the EPC. An operation for these two projects for the conquer 50 megawatt project. We provide our technology and equipment to power China. The certifies Cardone knows 50 megawatt project. This project is in the progress of finance closing. We are a member of the EPC together with a company called the CDC, a non Chinese state owned company and this person Jax is to be the first CSP in Greece than the Will you will use the technology and equipment from su console.

Unknown Speaker 23:15
So in my presentation, I will

Unknown Speaker 23:19
tour to introduce our billing half a megawatt project and also to share a little bit with the design and construction operation partners this project. This project is located in Ching Hai province in the western part of China. The DNA is around to solder and this project is equipped with seven hours stories by modern thoughts

Unknown Speaker 23:46
and with

Unknown Speaker 23:49
400 542,000 square meter heliostats and around the 10 Southern tones Thought and every year it’s designed to generate or 140 60 watt hour. I was still some pictures of this project and the jazzy the Hello start and the receiver and it is our product

Unknown Speaker 24:26
that is a picture from the top.

Unknown Speaker 24:34
This project actually the site activity started in 2017 and in March and we synchronized this project in December 2018. The construction period is 18 months. I want to two to eight Explain, there are three MOS and in the in the wintertime in China we can’t do the construction. So the total reconstruction period is 18 months. And they it’s it’s a record and we construct data very fast and we this project is formally put in cod since September 2019. This project is running very nicely all the design value has been reached the capacity design the 50 megawatts and the maximum it can reach 52 megawatts and the minimum node can go to 7.5 megawatts and 15% of the capacity and the small storage the molten salt temperature steam, the steam and power meter Although the conservation rate

Unknown Speaker 26:04
has been fully reached,

Unknown Speaker 26:10
and in this slide, I would like to highlight the operation and performance of this project. This slide just shows the operation data from the first half year since it put in cod we the is increased very quickly. And the average electricity production rates tune 97% of the performance model in the first half year and the last three months. It’s it’s over 100% and we expect to reach 100% in the first year after cod I think the ranking condition is a it’s very good and and disease, the performance is really nice compared to all the plots in the industry. The next part I would like to see are some experiments about the design the construction of this project. Speaking of design, from the developments and feasibility study state, we have to select a site with a with good solid resource and geotechnical hydro logical and the wind character risks. This is very important to to have a good place to construct the plants and also the plant has to have sufficient to land with a good topography and as close to the great consumer transportation water supply is also very helpful to account to have very good conditions and therefore the concept conceptual design stage. So corsola has developed our own CSP design platform and we can do what a different configuration of the of the of the of the systems and the to define the size of the soccer field, the tower height is some more storage turba under to to get an optimum production and the lowest lcV the for the basic and the to the design stage. This projects we Have some special or desire and there’s a halo starter is a custom arised because the weather in the during high area is very hard. It’s in the winter it’s very, very cold it’s minus 35 and also it’s 3000 meters high. And so we we made some special design for the Hilo starter to stand the weather and also the this is that place is very cloudy. So the receiver already has the temperature change frequently. So we need a flexible structure for the receiver design and for the tanks also, it’s a very creative and we use a ceramic sides of this composite in solution foundation of the tax and to Reduce the loss of the of the circle and also to also have enough support for the for the tax. The father for the SGS is also or very new desire is with two parallel passes to increase the availability of sts and also can ramp up and to work together with a turbine to ramp up or ramp down very quickly and under for the hitter fishing we use a fault tolerance and to to increase the availability because in that area is very cold so the pitcher tracing system is a very important for the construction as I said it’s we use the 18 months to finish the construction

Unknown Speaker 31:01
And we monitor the construction activity very closely and also establish some standards for the key equipment and and the pipes for the modern solid tank, the receiver, electricity heating system. All the mobile devices are also all the welding of the pipes. We have the special specific methodology to do the construction.

Unknown Speaker 31:38
The survey data I would like to share some experiments about the O and M. For the building ha 50 megawatt projects we operate by ourself and Terry Dior, before the cod and normally six months To tell moss the operation team is is Derek on the site to do the mobile revision for the for this project and to set up all the procedures and for the operation and we have So kosala has developed the

Unknown Speaker 32:24
cerebral operation tours

Unknown Speaker 32:28
to support the the operation of the this plant and I would like to introduce some The first way is the automation automatic control system

Unknown Speaker 32:44
and we

Unknown Speaker 32:47
call has a very strong background from the automation on the controller industry and the heliostats feel the control system is developed by us. It can support more than 100,000 Hello starts with a high accuracy

Unknown Speaker 33:08
this uh

Unknown Speaker 33:11
this headset can feel the control system has some good points and why is that the machine the machine vision technology based video started division detection The name is very long it is a it can do the auto calibration and also can have a self learning function and this system also can time diagnose the problems of the system and to improve by itself and it can work with the receiver control system to monitor the temperature and to adjust the solar field.

Unknown Speaker 34:13
The next one is about the cloudy forecast system. We developed this team this system based on the imagine processing and meteorological big data and it can have a good energy flux control of the receiver, especially under the cloudy conditions. And also can just curtail the sum or SOC of the receiver within the design criteria. So, corsola also manufacturer and provider the cleaning machine by ourself. It’s a It can it is able to navigate itself and to run in the in the sort of fields and also or it can drive by by the people.

Unknown Speaker 35:23
Okay, that’s my presentation. Okay, thank you. I’m ready to answer any questions.

Belén Gallego 35:31
Thank you very much, Johnny. Okay, I’m gonna ask you please if you can stop sharing your screen so that we can see you and Manuel a little bit better. And we’ve had a lot of questions. As you can see, there is a thing waiting for us so it’s good thing that we have quite a bit of time. So let’s gonna, there’s gonna get through them. They’re all very specific. I don’t know if you had a read Manuel, by the way, if both of your, your microphones off so that you can freely talk. Okay. So I’m going to start reading Okay, just gonna go through them because there are so many I had a couple here, but I think let’s just go with this you can also tell that the people in the in the room know quite a bit because they’re very specific. So, thanks for your interest in presentation Manuel, I would like to know how challenging is having accurate information about the solar flux distribution on the receiver for an accurate receiver design and operation and also the flux distribution not only for a theoretical design point, but during other particular instance of the day. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 36:33
Yes, okay. So, first, I just remain that drunkle curriculum is mainly inverse for the Select receiver and while the steam generator on the ground but the areas that field is out of our scope, so it means that we, we we have to discuss with different healthcare staff provider and With different kind of technology, and for us, this is also a strength because our system can manage every every kind of flex distribution. So we receive, of course theoretical flex map to validate the design according to the design criteria we have in our software. And at the end, we compare the theory to the reality when the project began, truly your version. So and this is for example, what we are doing right now in our project in China. And we notice of course, some some difference between the let’s say the, the real world and the Terry but truly the, the the ability to, to make flex map as accurate as possible. It’s out of scope. To be honest.

Belén Gallego 37:59
That’s interesting, too. Who does it? Is it like the actual plant?

Unknown Speaker 38:02
It will be the register provider because it’s part of the main strategy. So it’s truly related to the, let’s say the science. Okay, your teacher and so on. Alright, so we have a lot of interface and I guess that it’s a, it makes sense to go to the next question which is related to the responsibilities between the supplier and the receiver supplier. And the question was, what what do we guarantee actually depends again of the highest provider but djenka kritis able to guarantee the power absorbed and the efficiency the global efficiency of the Scylla receiver. But sometime, depending of the state provider, we could slightly decrease. This is guarantee if the registered provider would like to tweet To take more, but basically this is it, we do not guarantee the incident power which is the responsibility of the rheostat provider, but we can guarantee the observed power. And I mentioned again that we have a monitoring system with eight IR cameras on the ground and sophisticated demo dynamic model behind and we are able to in real life in real time calculate the performances and and, and of course, check that we are we remain below the maximum limitation. So, we guarantee the performances in one hand and the other hand we we guarantee the the lifetime thanks to the system,

Belén Gallego 39:46
those contracts have to be crazy complex. No.

Unknown Speaker 39:51
Easy because, as I mentioned, we learn a lot in the process on both sides I believe, and we found together solution To have a system very robust, working like that, and because at the end, we have we have knowledge coming from a lot of different patterns.

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