Recording and presentations: Integrating Bifacial PV trackers and automated cleaning at extreme desert locations

7 July 2020

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Automated transcription (it may contain errors)

Unknown Speaker 1:31
Good morning Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. We are not going to start the session yet. I’m going to give two more people to the people to the two more minutes to the people coming into the room. However, I just wanted to say hi, to welcome you all. During the right place, we’re speaking about integrating by facial pivot trackers in automated cleaning and extreme deserts locations. And I’d like to ask you to request that you use the chat on the right hand side you introduce yourself, your company where you’re joining from today. We have a very international panel today. And I will introduce them to you in just two minutes in so that you get to know me a little bit better. I’m Belinda Jayco. From AGI insights, I’m based in Madrid, and I’m going to be your moderator today. So we will begin now in one minute and and please use the chat to introduce yourselves

Unknown Speaker 3:38
Well, now we begin. Good morning Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, I can see there are people from practically everywhere. We see people from Argentina from Chile. I can see people here even from Qatar from Indonesia from Italy, Italy, Germany, Netherlands, Egypt. Many, many more places to work. Welcome, everyone. Very Good morning, or very good afternoon to you. So today we’re here to talk about this are locations and desert conditions. And as you know, many few years ago, maybe 10 years ago, when we began, you know, actually, looking into this condition, we didn’t know very much about what specific equipment we needed, how we can do the one improperly, what sort of specialist equipment we need. Well, now with time, this is all changing, we know a lot more than we used to. And today, we’re learning a lot more about specifically bifacial Pv trackers. And as you know, bifacial Pv technologies are growing very, very strong, very fast, and automated cleaning, which is a very important thing, especially when you’re not you know, in a very faraway location. So with me today, I have three experts on the topic, and I’d like to ask them to introduce themselves. So Cedric, please, if you could unmute your microphone, introduce yourself.

Unknown Speaker 4:53
Yes. Good afternoon, everyone. So my name is Lucy us on research program director at query which is the Qatar energy environment Research Institute in Doha, Qatar been working in PV for quite a few years now if you can use and PVC was working for photo what the manufacturing company in France and part of the EDF group. We’ve been in Qatar for a few months now and leading the team for energy conversion.

Unknown Speaker 5:19
But do they you your journey from France? Correct? Oh my

Unknown Speaker 5:23
time Madrid France. Okay, let’s go. Miguel, please could you unmute your microphone and introduce yourself?

Unknown Speaker 5:30
Sir. Thank you very much for the introduction. My name is Neil Patel. I’m a manager for Celtic Tigers focused on Middle East region. I’ve been working for the last five years in Salt Lake, Mexican European

Unknown Speaker 5:42

Unknown Speaker 5:46
following a lot these two technologies, both by facial technology,

Unknown Speaker 5:51
automatic cleaning still very, very happy to be here.

Unknown Speaker 5:55
Thank you, Miguel. And he’s based in Madrid we can hear you very faintly so when you when you present When I asked you to hold your microphone closer, but for now it was okay. Okay, then Could you please unmute your microphone introduce yourself.

Unknown Speaker 6:11
Hello, everyone. This is being from painter and the International Business director of to try electronics, which is majorly in the business of robotic cleaning. And I’ve been with the company for the past three years and we started from the mainland China, mostly the projects were done in China, but nowadays we’re expanding the international market.

Unknown Speaker 6:32
Excellent. Thank you very much being and your base today. Where are you joining today from? I’m currently in Beijing, Beijing. Okay. You can see very, very international crowd here today. And I’m going to tell you a little bit how it’s going to work. We’re going to have three presentations. And I’m actually going to ask the first speaker to prepare his presentation, Cedric if you prepare your microphone and your presentation. And whilst he does that, and he gets ready. I just like to tell you a little bit how it’s gonna go. If you are familiar with our webinars is not that different. We’re gonna have a presentation from Cedric, one from ago, one from being and then we’ll take the questions. You can send questions, but you have to send them through the q&a box at the bottom. Okay, there is in the toolbar says q&a questions and answers, send them through there because they can get lost in the chat, you know, in the chatter. So for us to be able to manage them properly, please send them through the the q&a box, and then we’ll deal with them at the end. We’ll have some time for that. I just want to let you know that we are recording this session. So one of the questions we get all the time is can I get access to the recordings and the materials? Yes, you can do this because we’ll send us the presentations thereafter. And we’ll also have the recording available for you to review thereafter. And also their contact details are in presentations. So without further ado, I’d just like to ask Cedric I can see your presentation perfectly. It’s big screens. So go ahead and start your presentation.

Unknown Speaker 8:02
Great. Thanks. So good afternoon again, everyone. So I have the privilege of starting this webinar today by giving you a presentation about bifacial, photovoltaics and trekkers in this location and I will focus on the environmental perspective. So the presentation will cover both the review of the data which is available in in the literature as well as some own research material. The research is performed by the energy conversion team and the air quality team of Kerry. Okay, here’s the Qatar environment and Energy Research Institute, which is part of Ahmed bin Khalid for university in Qatar and the researcher and director of energy conversion as I mentioned, and I will be leading you through the slides. So I’m starting. I’m starting with the word precipitation map, because I wanted to show you the amount of land on earth which receives less than 10 inches of water every year. You can see that’s the pot in bed and whichever so called a few in the room. Red rectangles, you can see that the old MENA region, North Africa, Middle East part of Pakistan, India, for the in China in the large chunk of Australia, South Africa and Latin America is concerned with this. What is interesting is that in Doha, for instance, we have only three inches of rain, all those parts are buried with less than 10 inches of rain per year. That’s interesting to look at, because it’s actually one of the climate zone, which is the largest on Earth, it amounts to 30% of the emerging land. And this is a place when there is a lot of sunlight and which is mean to the fact of is this being a desert. So if you look at the maps the global origin to the radiation map, and the albedo map, which you can find in the internet, you will see that there’s a good correlation between the amount of energy that we receive on the ground in this area, especially the MENA region, which is the one that we’ll be focusing on and the albedo is also really high. So I’m not going to go into detail on that, because I think that most of you will know what it is if there are some questions and take them later on in question session. But in the MENA region, we are usually between 2020 700 kilowatt hour per square meter. And we have an albedo which is between 0.3 and 0.4, which means that 30 to 40% of the light can be reflected from the ground. So, that is very significant and that is why it’s interesting to have by facial modules as you can see the little image on the bottom where light is collected not only from the front, but also from the backside as well because it’s diffused from clouds or from the ground. Continuing with the comparison between the DJI DJI map and the other maps, I can I want to show you here the climate zones which are the cup and Giga classification. And you can see that once again, all the MENA region North Africa and all the peninsula is is both red when we talk about DJI DJI but also in the future The climatic zone, which correspond to the desert area. So it’s both normal and surprising because it’s normal because we have definitely the same climate. But it’s surprising because if you look at the US zooming, there are actually no differences which are really spotted by these climate zones, when you compare Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman and so on. And in fact, if you look at the climates, more detail, comparing, for instance, Doha and here, you can see that on the top part, you have the temperature profile, and it is rather similar. It gets a little bit colder in winter in here, but more more or less the same. The same

Unknown Speaker 11:43
aspect you can see, but that’s not true. When you look at the humidity, the humidity level is completely different. In here, it’s mostly dry for the year. in Doha. We have a large period of time between July and October and even worse between August and September. There is a high humidity because of the proximity to the sea. So even though it’s classified as the same climate zone, it’s clear that there are differences in the climate. If we look into our own data in Qatar, even though it’s a rather small country, compared to the rest of the of the land, we can already see some differences between inland and onshore. So what you can see here is histograms of the temperature taken over three years, hourly, and average temperature, ambient temperature and module and integration. And you can see the inland there are some parts in the histogram, which is higher temperature above 40, and all the way up to 50 degrees, which you see less in the closed. And that’s only a difference that we see in the country. So the message here is that those kind of differences needs to be taken into account. And I’m thinking the equity team for preparing the data and then providing this information. So what is up to now homogeneous climate zone, as per Copenhagen classification need to be looked into more details and that is what the team in the US, Catherine Jones and Jane in Sanya has been doing. They’ve proposed a new photovoltaic degradation climate zone. So I’m mentioning it here and I will keep the scientific part brief. But I think it’s important that all of us have in mind that the stressors, the climate stressors include not only the temperature, but also the specific humidity and the wind. And I know that we would talk again about the wind afterwards. So taking for example, the temperature, we know that most degradation mechanisms are activated by temperature, they usually follow in a new slow and the team in the US have proposed to calculate an equivalent temperature which takes into consideration all module temperature for the year. Why is it important? It’s important because we cannot assess the degradation parameter and the environmental stress only from the ambient Temperature you have to look at the module temperature and you have to be able to compare what happens in different places because even though they are classified as desert, they don’t necessarily operate the same. Other combined stressors are very, very important to look at the humidity or dimension UV wind load and the cosy atmosphere which is often not sufficiently looked into those parameters can vary significantly for the climate zones, even though they are normally considered similar. So, if I take this chart which are available from the internet, you can see the link here from the same team, you see that when you calculate the equivalent temperature, you end up with something which is again, rather homogeneous throughout the MENA region. However, if you look at our own data, I’ve shown you before what was you can see from inland and onshore and this you can see a more or less one year data plotted at the hour range, temperature and humidity and it shows That we have temperature which is ambient which goes above up to 4045 degrees and the humidity which can go up to 60 or even higher 70%. But what is important is that this is ambient temperature. If you actually look at the one minute time step on module in July, this is the histogram that you get, you will go well above 45 degrees, you actually go over 70 degrees, even 75 in some in some cases. So, the message here is that if you want to have a good information about what will happen to your PVC stems, you need to look at what is happening on site were you planning to build the plant because this high temperature will be the one which will activate the degradation mechanism fester. And I’m talking only about the measurement which is on the backside of the module and without hotspot, so if you have hotspot, it gets even worse. Continuing with the other climate stressors, we briefly touched about humidity. I think it’s important to mention That the same chart again from the same team, when you look at the humidity, it shows us Qatar is a bit more green than the rest of the pendency of the Iberian Peninsula. But what we have to keep in mind is that in August and September even though the relative humidity in average is in the 55% range, the temperature is very high. And that means that the specific humidity the amount of water you have Tokido per cubic meter of air is especially high as well. And that is not dry air I would say it’s, it’s very humid and it also carries some corrosion from the seat because there’s a lot of evaporation and some chlorine which is brought along.

Unknown Speaker 16:43
Other stressors which need to be looked into when you want to build PV systems in this environment is the wind speed. I’m just mentioning it here because again, we will talk about it more afterwards. But you can see that Independencia there are quite significantly high Wind speed needs to be taken care of. We don’t have the same Newton’s in the US. But nevertheless, during the storm, it’s important. And another factor which I want to stress is the cause of it because especially in Qatar but also in all the coastal region, we have a lot of salein atmosphere in our modules. And contrary to other places in India, Singapore, there’s no rain to wash it off. So if it’s not if this part is not washed or clean, during the operation, it can have some consequences on the systems. Moving on to another issue, which we see often in desert environment is the soiling. So you can see on the top part two pictures, the same modules before and after cleaning, after a very, very bad soiling event caused by the storm. We have extensive work in carry on this kind of problematic and how to mitigate it. We published some of it in the PV tech power. And the few things I want to mention to you today is summarized here. If you look at the orange rectangle, which you see so on the screen on the left side, I’ve circled UAE, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, you can see that it’s the same as we have in Qatar losses up to 1.4 2.5% of the day, excluding sandstorms. And when you have large incidents, you can lose more than 50% of the power overnight almost. And that’s what the the panel look like is on the path left. So the message here is that sorting has to be taken into consideration because you will lose a lot of power and therefore a lot of energy. And there’s not a lot of rain in the desert. So it’s difficult to expect that it will wash off by itself and also that low water availability which means that the cleaning needs to be tuned for those conditions. Finally, I will now go to the key outdoor test facility so it’s it’s area which is 35,000 square meter, which has been operated since 2013. We have tested all kinds of PV system technologies polycrystalline mono crystalline junction film films from them called Mega rootstein, amorphous katell crjs and concentration PV. As you can see there are quite a few stand all of them are operated as strings not as single modules. And we have been comparing fixed tilt and tracker. And the early results we got with the old tracker which I’m showing now prove that it was interesting to follow the sun in Qatar to add the extra energy. But what we are looking for now is more to optimize for by facial modules and by facial modules. tracker is what some tech does and they’re proposing this SF seven with the both sides to optimize the energy we get from reduce not only from the front side but also from the backside Finally, the other thing that Carrie has been doing is We’ve set up the Research Consortium, which we call the circuit Research Consortium in 2018. It’s a research body with international companies and local stakeholders, which include DSM and what you sell nice, total, and local stakeholders like the Ministry of Energy, industry and karma. And we also are proud today to announce that Yes, that’s it. So, Salt Lake has joined recently the consortium because they are interesting to install with us some of the new equipment in our test facility to be able to test the amount of energy that we can get and how well the equipment can can work in the solar in the desert environment and the solar energy we can obtain.

Unknown Speaker 20:49
So, to conclude, degradation of photovoltaic systems is due to the higher value stresses not to average conditions and those higher values tissues needs to be known. Because cup and Geiger climate exams, they do not provide a full picture of the kind of stresses they need to be considered as per the site specificities. The environmental conditions in the Middle East and in this application are diverse, and they can stress to the activity part or all of the PV components. So they need to be looked into one by one not only modules. Also inverters. Also, trackers if you’ve put in Austin, the photovoltaic systems, which are planned to be used in those locations need to be designed and tested to be able to guarantee that they will last for 25 years, we expect them to or longer. And it’s obviously preferable to have the track record and to test and demonstrate the technology at small scale before going to larger and we can support that before the large investment for keyCode. Curious glad to welcome so take as a new member of the Select consortiums, and I’ll finish by taking a quote from Frank Sinatra. He said that if you can make it in New York for people, you can make it anywhere. We’re looking for PV systems. If you can make it in Qatar, you can make it anywhere. And then we have space available in all this facility to have future collaboration. With that, I thank you and take your question at the end of the seminars.

Unknown Speaker 22:12
Thank you very much Cedric, quoting Frank Sinatra, I think he’s a first here. So it’s good to rock and roll is a little bit. Okay, so let me take your screen off. And indeed, we’ll take the questions thereafter. And we get your the next so why don’t you prepare for your presentation? There’s a lot of things that said to set here, but I think the one takeaway is the last thing is you said that indeed, once the equipment is ready for this conditions, they can make it almost anywhere. So just go for those manufacturers that have worked there. So Miguel, you’re ready, we can see your screen. beautiful picture. Can you unmute your microphone?

Unknown Speaker 22:55
Yes, sir. Let me know. Can you hear me now? Yes,

Unknown Speaker 22:58
we can hear you well, but if I can’t, at some point I’ll let you know. So, you can just

Unknown Speaker 23:05
pull it closer. Cool, perfect. Okay, thank you very much. That was a very good presentation to put everyone on the importance of all these factors that are kind of stressed our boys in in medicine and I wanted to start with this picture to say like the main aspects that we we face now when we start analyzing, creating division, first of all, can see the need of flexibility. Now we need to adapt to different soil conditions to different slobs the uncertainty or where we are going to find and under the under the soil. Then we can see as Sarah was saying before like extremely good at

Unknown Speaker 23:51
without any

Unknown Speaker 23:54
fine. We can see lack of civilization. So is a lack of Data accurate data for everything. Before it was mentioned in the wind, all commercial, there are many things about the soil definition that we cannot know. So there’s a lot of uncertainty. And finally we can see a lot of sun. So Barrett is where we’re being used to help us know to clean is to be able to produce as much as we can. So today in the presentation, I will focus on

Unknown Speaker 24:29
here, I will focus on five years now first of all, I will introduce

Unknown Speaker 24:34
our wars, assault tech and the increasing importance of PV trackers known as monophasic are now in my freezer for basic conditions. I will talk about a beta cycle mining in the desert, I will go through atmospheric corrosion is the Forgotten one. We hear a lot about soil corrosion in every project, but it seems like atmospheric corrosion is not there. And it’s a key a key aspect in the sign of abuse. Especially From the target perspective, I will follow with when definition and how important is to be accurate in order to be safety also cost effectiveness to a plant. And I will finalize with a few words on the integration of automatically and to link with the presentation I will I will talk from the trigger point. So, first of all soltec a happy working inside China since 2004 with quality struggles and we moved to single axis chargers 10 years ago we have 1600 employees to two international offices. We are the third global supply of PV trackers with more than 20 yards and already sold more than 30% of them are by fishing and will have been ranked number one in a town in Europe. We are having strong photos now in Middle East region. Why Why so we have seen like a similar struggling has become the standard solution for structure worldwide. We are seeing that in, in these static locations. By face up the tracking is becoming a monster we are seeing in all the light skinned tenders, in Oman, in in Emirates in Saudi Arabia in Qatar, right. All of them are using Microsoft three trackers. So, we need to see why this is happening also we need to improve the efficiency of response. So the main role of sequences trigger is because it acts as the main support of inside the robot. It’s supposed to be modes, which are the main component of the plan support the foundation and corrosion risk. So, in any any aspect regarding the use of concrete foundation and supervision will need to be taken by the target itself. And it supports the climate threats in terms of coercion in terms of when potential scaling potential of any any outer event that can happen. So, it needs to be prepared is the only device in the planet is specifically designed for the site and it can boost the performance we are preparing to structure a trial it can give between 15 to 25% higher production, when we combine with by feature we will show later it can go up to 35% under conditions. So, what was happening in the second is why is my face are becoming the most important or the standard configuration. And I call it a goldmine into this noise, something that we have there. We are getting for free.

Unknown Speaker 27:41
We don’t need to do anything on the site to improve the subject. So, our experience of salted with by by facial diversity 2015 was the first point that we were analyzing for my facial configuration. The client asked us to provide a solution that could be adapted to these conditions. Free all the rear part of the models in the plan to to ensure they maximize production. So we create these first to be tracking not to portray them in a gap for them to not carrying all the cables we’re going inside or to. And after a year of performance archive published an article I will show when this was point 8% by face again. So we realized this was something that was going to happen. So next move was to open an alibi VSA lab in order to analyze all the parameters that could be relevant in order to both optimize the chocolate design, optimize the algorithm of tracking and also realize how much was the by facial gain caused by each of these elements. So in July 2018, we opened a biotech facial tracking evolution sensory California, to air with blackened beads, rail RTC, and a few of the most important and tell you one more than manufacturers in control. Like as well on the How to cells, I see. And when I seen em with two different configurations notebook to portray one portrayed different DCI media speeds, five and 12 and different abilities is what I want to focus today. And we weren’t realizing three different betas One of them was seasonal variation for this different systems and gravel that kind of a similar to what we can find in the dislocation, and a white with geotextile similar in a higher albedo. So we have like these three, four sixteenths to 23% of entering the system or 24 to 36 in the global and over 50% in the in the white. After running different alliances during the last two years, we have seen these kind of linear trend of beneficial gain compared to defense. So as you can see upsetting So, before also like for and this is a balance, we can see are usually between 25 to 40%, we can see right facial gains between nine and 13% and which is quite good being something natural. It doesn’t need any modification of the soul before construction, he doesn’t need any OPEX after construction so it’s something that is got value by installing this building walls on this surface. And these say graph here I will be sharing with a presentation is taking into account to be by fiscal charter. So it produces 2.1% higher revenues again and standard a one betrivers position at 1.35 meters to the ground of your shading. So it’s also important to take into account as you can see in the graphing the the Sankey diagram, you can see that we have two components They are bad who have a frontal view

Unknown Speaker 31:03
is just very

Unknown Speaker 31:06
slightly increased by modification on the shoulder and the rear are better but in my future technologies they want to we can maximize, you can see the very right of the neurons part of the Sankey diagram and this is the part where we want to try not to optimize the game produced by these people. The second aspect I was mentioning before was is very crucial, when we analyze surprise, we see usually that the client is providing a geotechnical report or has a chemical analysis of their of all the different parts of a plant and also usually has measurements of resistivity and other other aspects. So soils usually very well defined. However, atmospheric corrosion is not generally in detail.

Unknown Speaker 31:56
You still need to be less reliant on

Unknown Speaker 32:00
Very basic information about the location of the plan discussed today and precisely see the steps to make our plans were some salein area nearby. And it’s not usually measured to provide accurate data. So the trial can be designed as you can see in the picture in this only the violent Ben Ben embeded pile and suffering from corrosion However, all their items are suffering and also a corrosion. So it’s really important to define properly these what class property class we are in. So, then we recommend to conduct a standard test for almost a portion according to ISO 92 three, it’s the required 12 month exposure of steel carbon steel coupons. And after this, it’s very easy to determine if we are in C two c three c four, and it really adds value to the to the employer because it avoids these Porsche the Porsche resubmitting the launcher. And regarding the wind in the dislocations, there’s one one issue that comes from from this absence of real reliable information in the setting locations usually is not civilization there is no workstations is complicated to come to our real natural value for the maximum wind speed. So generally what happens is that

Unknown Speaker 33:35
a value is taken out

Unknown Speaker 33:39
proof analysis behind So, it’s very important to come up with a exact wind speed that we can face in one side both maximum wind speed and direction it in order to get a safe design and cost effective design it’s very common to find a extremely high values for wind speed. Because of this lack of information, so, the biggest sources of win information and a lot of istation also in some cases where there is no long term win data and that can be reached for for site, it can be done under correlation between several wind stations that are deployed and in some regions as a Middle East we can find that no none of these scales are possible. So, this can be conducted the weather research and forecasting model. I would like to show you like a successful case that was conducted in Middle East by a wind consultancy a wbI. That was during the last three, four years they have been analyzing the different weather information around the Arctic peninsula. To conduct this analysis, they have growth and there is time to include these in the in the local calls. So he has to do summarize briefly they were they were constructed to give counterbalance for the sound wind speed for the idea so memory so the Arabia, United UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, Yemen and what they did is they took the all the long term weather data from the station that you’ve seen the top left picture from this data, they marked contour contour conditions and they they you using these w r f tool they were able to to create replicate the workflows for 50 year return period and higher return periods. They validate with actual stations in India person in the region to create the map as you can see in the Down, Left. And also to apply these maps to official codes like the Soviet area code as you’ve seen this map you can see In their downs right picture, I put the source of these these RTI things a very good piece of information I speed in light into these with definition in middle is that for the last two or three years was a little bit final I finally, to link to we’ve been I like to mention how automated cleaning integration is coming into this area and I would have been dealing with robot integration for the last two or three years. different concepts. Now we’re seeing that this simulation is gone in line with water tries to like a robot that can Cobra high rains, or requires low cost reaches to pass or middle parts of the truck a face any gap. And that can jump take into account the angular two analysis of the sign from trucking to trucker and can reach up to 2023 streaming channels. 60 strings covered by as a single robot. So from that perspective, what we’re trying to do here is to help integration by close communication with suppliers. We are low in terms of design. So a robot integration doesn’t mean to reduce the total cost of installation for each location this can keep high celestial rates also minimizing the cost of all these elements not reducing the number of stations. So we can have a road passing from Target to target using grid tips and rubbish stations to to come back. Answering the communication between the trucker and the road is key to optimize the operation of the road so that the load can move freely on top of the truck it know exactly when it comes from one to another. And when it needs to, to stay in a safe position. Or Finally, a it’s important to analyze this from a legal perspective going today. To the real Eric a plant area and optimize the north south. the roles of truck guests can be covered by a single lesson discovered the use a lot the mechanics in

Unknown Speaker 38:16
my colleague Mimi will go through it afterwards. And just to wrap up the fine line items I was mentioning, but it’s not the charges they are getting the keys to both v plan and they are by Fisher game booster who have seen them. That is have been combined with the basis of charter can provide between nine to 13% by facial gain, without any additional mentioned almost 50% request more attention. It’s very important to minimize groceries during 2530 years operational. When definition. It’s very important to have a great information immediately we have the word tool that was published by either the ice skating in the official coast in the region. I think it’s a very Gold and a great tool of information finales money cleaning is becoming the standard and is it has a key role to minimize the capex and also the optics and to boost the production and minimize unnecessary. So thank you very much and they will tell you

Unknown Speaker 39:18
thank you very much, Miguel, I’m going to ask you to stop sharing your screen so that we can ask being to share hers and also mute her microphone. And you know, we have actually had a few questions for you come up so in both being in Cedric have been answering actually the questions that were there before. So please, Cedric, we get to keep answering them and then at the end, we’ll take you know, whichever remaining or a few that I’ve kind of gathered from from the questions already asked, being I can see your screen however, have you unmuted your microphone?

Unknown Speaker 39:51
Yes, at the top. Yep. Perfect. We can hear you and we can see your presentation. Go ahead.

Unknown Speaker 39:56
Okay, so thank you, amigo, and Cedric For all very helpful sharing and thanks for introduction, introduced tetra. So I’m here today I’m going to talk from the automatic cleaning perspective. We are 10 try electronics and we’re based in China, Nanjing and thanks for the invitation from ego and as well as hga two really introduced this technology specifically towards the desert environment.

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