Recording and presentations: The Heat is On – SHIP potential in India

10 July 2020

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Unknown Speaker 0:00

Unknown Speaker 0:01
shape potential in India, you’re at the right place. So we’ll wait for a few a minute or two until everyone is here. So you don’t everyone can watch the webinar from the beginning. But in the meantime,

Unknown Speaker 0:17
I’ll give you shape.

Unknown Speaker 0:20
I’ll give you some house keeping announcements, one of them is that you will get the recording and the video recording and the presentations, do this webinar. So, you know, that’s, you’ll certainly get an email probably early next week with the recording and the presentations. And also, I’d like to let you know that you can actually pose questions on the q&a box. So this is your this is your first webinar, take some time I look at the toolbar which is at the bottom and you can see A on icon there that reads que ma, ending the icon, you can essentially send questions Will’s the speakers are delivering the presentations. So, right. Other than that, well, we have a kind of like a tradition here at APA inside. And we ask everyone who is connected to say where they are connecting from. So I am here with my colleague, Allah who you can’t see, but she definitely can follow on. She can’t see you either. She’s most of you there. But she’s, you know, making sure that everything works well. From the drapes that we’re connecting from Madrid. So yeah, let us know, through the chat function where you’re connecting from.

Unknown Speaker 1:49

Unknown Speaker 1:51
right, so I think

Unknown Speaker 1:56
well, now let me see what’s the time I Think it’s probably time to start with a webinar. So once again, welcome to the webinar, the heat east on solar heating industrial processes potential in India. So, let’s start with that I’d like each of our speakers to briefly introduce themselves. So I thank you for taking down the image. So let’s start with jD jD, could you please briefly introduce yourself?

Unknown Speaker 2:37
You are muted by the way say

Unknown Speaker 2:41

Unknown Speaker 2:42
good evening to everybody in India, good afternoon in Europe and we’re wanting to the rest of the country. This is jd malviya, the Secretary General solar thermal federation of India and also heading the project for the solar payback undertaken for the German solar Association.

Unknown Speaker 3:01
Thank you very much for the presentation. yam Would you like to briefly introduce yourself?

Unknown Speaker 3:09
Yes. Can you hear me?

Unknown Speaker 3:11

Unknown Speaker 3:14
Okay. Yes, my name is Jim Clark. I work for the German soda Association. I’m calling in from Berlin. And we have the pleasure to organize a probe on solar thermal process seed, which is also covering India where I will say a few words about in my presentation.

Unknown Speaker 3:31
Thank you very much. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 3:35
Next, a battery a ganache or if you could place a tray if you could introduce yourself briefly, please.

Unknown Speaker 3:45
You’re muted, by the way.

Unknown Speaker 3:49
And I’m managing director of dairy in Colombo, Maharashtra that is in India, and we collect about 1.2 million litres of milk every day. And in September 2018, we had implemented this CST project with the help of nddb and initatives UNDP indicating UNDP mnrf and NDTV

Unknown Speaker 4:19
Thank you. Thank you. And next, Subramanian, please.

Unknown Speaker 4:26
Good evening to all. I am Chandra Shekar from National Dairy development board. I am Deputy General Manager with engineering services. I’ve been with nddb for 32 years now. So I look forward to see you in the presentation and I’m handing it over back to the host.

Unknown Speaker 4:46
Thank you. And last but not least in the presentation, brown cannon. Siva balin.

Unknown Speaker 4:57
You on mute Khalil Mack

Unknown Speaker 5:05
addition to present our project here in this folder, your unique biotic. We are the leading manufacturers of probiotics in our supply chain is almost close to 50 countries. We implemented this project in the year 2015. So we go the most with division in the presidency. More details will share in the presentation. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 5:32
Thank you very much. So well now without further delay, we’ll start with the first presentation by Yann Michael Connect.

Unknown Speaker 5:42
Okay, I have it you Yan whenever you Yes, yes, yes. Great. Here we go. I hope you can. You can see it. I go into the presentation. I think I have to go into the presentation mode is fitting up anyways. Yes, there we go. Perfect. Okay, hello, everybody. Yes, as said I, my name is Yan. I work for the gem solar Association and I’m going to give you a very brief overview over the state of solar heat for industrial processes, which is a result of a project which is called solar payback, which has been financed by the German ministry for the environment within the international Climate Initiative. And I will give an overview and jd bolens say the later presentation about the results for India. So what do we actually speak about when we speak about solar thermal energy for industrial processes, we speak about the use of solar heat for low temperatures which are usually around 100 up to 150 degrees to medium temperature up to 400 degrees. And despite of having an enormous potential of the use of this, this heat, which is available, we’ve seen so far. around about 970 plants in operation worldwide. Yes. So what is the state or what has it been in the last years, we see that there are a number of countries that have quite a lot of installations and is often in the solar sector. Here also in the solar solar sector, China is leading with like installations of 15 and 26. new installations which are fairly large. And then we see see quite a lot of small installations in Mexico, Germany, and then India ranking ranking force in the last two years with fairly mid sized mid sized installations. There a number of other countries that sum up or bring the total number of up to 80 and 90 installations per year. And typically, the use of an dos technologies are within the low and medium temperature industries where you have a lot of heat demand such as food and beverage, textile, chemical or pharmaceutical. And we see some very large plans in mining. But this has so far been an exception.

Unknown Speaker 8:20
We also see despite of only around about 80 or 90 projects per year coming online, we see that there are a lot of companies engineering companies, as well as producers of collectors for example, or entire systems worldwide, which are available and this is also an very important output of our activities. It’s it’s an overview where you as a potential customer could get to find the right company with the right reference in order to be able to install and haven’t have shipstation And engineered, um, but it’s not all what we what we have to offer within the project, which is mainly focusing on Brazil, Mexico, South Africa and India. There’s also a lot of marketing material, there’s a photo gallery, we have developed an online calculator for, for calculating the economics of a system for five different sample sites or to five different sites in India, and conducted trainings and installers and will put more material online. And in some of the countries we are running media campaigns, as well, we seek to look to support the construction of demo plans, which is not quite short. So to give you a brief, like a brief introduction, what are the lessons which we learn from our activities, there is this huge potential, but so far, it’s only In market niches, and especially in the case of Mexico, we can see you need Of course, excellent irradiation, but also expensive or scars or sometimes strict conventional fossil fuels, restricted can be because of their environmental restrictions for emissions etc. We see the lower the temperature, the better the easier it becomes to implement solar thermal process system into into the heat production. And it is up to the suppliers usually not to the customers to guarantee that the the solar heat is affordable is reliable, clean and especially maintenance free. And in addition, nevertheless, it’s very difficult in the sector to develop economies of scales because every ship plant needs careful engineering and especially complying with quote standards and trainings also also important. And I hope that we’ll find out more about that for India in the presentations. We also see some cases of energy service companies that finds and run the system. There’s very great market for that. And it has to be because the customer is interested in Yes, cheap, heat ready, really available. And so I’m very much looking forward to listen to the successful examples from India. Thank you very much. And this was my short introduction.

Unknown Speaker 11:38
Thank you very much, Yann for your presentation deliver a lightning speed thing. So without any further delay, I’d like to give the floor to Mr. Jai de Malaviya.

Unknown Speaker 11:53

Unknown Speaker 11:54
whenever you want a Dave to start sharing your screen and unmute yourself So we can hear you as well.

Unknown Speaker 12:06
Okay, thank you very much nimasa once again to everybody if this is jd malviya

Unknown Speaker 12:13
Sorry, excuse me if you can, there we go. Now it’s in full full screen, perfect place.

Unknown Speaker 12:19
All right.

Unknown Speaker 12:20
So it’s a pleasure talking on this platform. I was in charge of the predict solar payback undertaken for the German solar Association. And I will be presenting the India findings on solar payback. Most of my presentations you will hear about ship. Ship stands for solar heat for industrial process, in short, industrial process at using solar thermal. Very quickly, I’ll give the industrial process heat overview. industrial sector consumes about 30% of the total energy in India and offers hope for conserving up to 20 If a person using renewable energy largely decides to recruit solar, maybe biomass 15 million tons of fuel oil per year use for heating up to 250 degrees alone in industries apart from electricity, India has a very good DNI in certain areas or certain regions, which make it viable for solar thermal systems to work at efficiencies between 50 to 70%. The eventual target the government is looking at is to reduce the formation burden on fuel imports. Hence the time used to accelerate ship in India. What has been the achievements of ships so far? Close to 32,000 square metre of ship installation has taken place in India and pilot moon as demonstration project, the only country with the highest number of steam cooking systems, but of course there’s a not the sub are debating. However, this is the only country which has showcased ship projects being implemented across multiple industrial segments, be it a dairy processing food processing textiles, chemicals, rubber or pharmaceutical. I have skipped the slide you had already seen earlier. India is currently the fourth fastest shipping Elementary in country. This is the Tarik normal incidence map or irradiance map of India. If you see the northern moose tip, which is largely Nunez de region of the dark and the northern route and Western Rajasthan have very good DNA that offer potential to explore the ship market. Of course, there are other regions where there are moderate moderate DNI. Technology is popular in India about six of them. I bought Read through each of them because you’ll be having the differentiation and most of them are successful and there have been some earnings. Now, the solar payback findings show that dairy processing, food processing, pharmaceutical and brewery, if we take combine these constitute about 50% of the market demand today. So, even if these sectors are tapped, we can make a good beginning for ship development in India, besides the automobile component manufacturing textiles and others. The milk processing as the Italian can lead by example, India is the world’s largest milk processing country and will be shortly achieving a target of about hundred 8 million metric tons. And this can be set as an example to the other identify Industry segments. As I mentioned earlier, every 1 million square meter of concentrated dish saves about 7 million litres of diesel in relatively good DNI on a continuous basis, and this abates about 18,000 tonnes of co2 annually. One of the studies undertaken by Lido identifies about 6.45 gigawatts thermal as the potential which is 124 times the current ship capacity in operation today. So if the total consumption of fuel by industries was 1000 to 67 terawatt hours, just 2% of it could be replaced using it solar eight for industrial process.

Unknown Speaker 16:53
My last slide, what are the best ideas to accelerate the ship market? I think solar thermal needs a separate recognition Under the national solar mission, because solar PV is at the center stage the removal process solar PV, the renewable heat obligation on similar grounds to renewable electricity obligation must be implemented under the solar heat obligation target, encourage the energy service company or the ESCO model as they choose proper lifecycle subsidy be linked to the performance in terms of either megawatt summer or million tons of oil equivalent saved. And of course, in order to encourage the manufacturing industry, there must be concessional loan made available. These are some of the examples of the solar heater industry installations in India. So there is more final energy consumption of heat in industries than the electricity consumed.

Unknown Speaker 17:57
Very important. Thank you very much. Vanilla.

Unknown Speaker 18:02
Thank you very much, Mr. jDb. If you can please stop sharing your screen. So the next speaker can get ready who is Chandra seca? 10 roszak Review whenever you wanted, you can start sharing your screen and deliver your presentation. And in the meantime, I’d like to remind everyone that you can pose your questions on the q&a box. And that

Unknown Speaker 18:29
you will

Unknown Speaker 18:31
we’ll go through the the questions will answer some of your questions after all presentations have been delivered, so pleased over to you Chandrasekar.

Unknown Speaker 18:43
Thanks a lot.

Unknown Speaker 18:46
I may have to specify specifically thank the German solar Association and the solar thermal federation of India to give an opportunity to nddb to present the activities and initiate Taken by NDTV in dairy sector. So this is my opening slide I’ll I’ve got around 15 slides, but I’ll try to take it fast. I like to give you an introduction about nddb Dr. Verghese kurien is the founder father of national development board. nddb has been declared as an institute of national importance by the Act of Parliament and it is a body corporate. Now established since 1965. nddb strives for transforming daring into an instrument for development of India’s rural population, especially farmers. Now, nddb launched the operation flat with the help of world bank loan and the results are to be seen that India is the world’s largest milk producing nation. Presently nddb employs 450 professionals in various fields, which includes in diaries and capital Feed plans and cooperative development in training, Animal Health nutrition reading etc. We in the engineering services provide Consultancy Services to from for the projects right from concept to commissioning and some of the projects which has been executed our bananas dairy, Chennai Patna dairy and plant you can see on the right we also take up cattle feed plant bypass protein mineral makes mega semen station high security animal disease laboratories projects to our mission is to maintain energy efficiency, quality productivity, food safety, environmental safety through latest technology. Now, just coming in India has decided to reduce the emission intensity by 30 to 35% by 2030 as compared to 2000 files, this is where he’s all started. On the right, you could see the solar resource map which has already been shared by the previous presenter. But just just to show you that there’s a lot of area where there’s a lot of potential there are more than 2 million square kilometers. There’s very good radiation and this could be utilized. Now, the action plan for implementation is to engage with oil industry and other sectors for reduction of fuel dependence for thermal requirements. Now, what nddb practically initiated discussions with milk union and dairy Federation’s for implementation of solar thermal systems. So our meeting was called. I’ll share it with the next slide. We had a stakeholder meeting organised in November 2015. And it was decided in that meeting, that we the dairy industry will improve element solar thermal in all possible there is as much as possible. We had we received good support from Mr. De UNDP. And we received financial support also in terms of subsidy, not to take the project for what for its implementation, we have to do some important decisions of whether you know, we required to deliver the thermal energy in terms of hot water or steam and how to make this entire system cost effective and commercially viable. So, these were the, you know, the real challenges in front of us. So, we had to first understand how the thermal requirements are utilized in a diary. So, we had to make a comparison of the low heat, medium heat and the high heat requirements. To our surprise, we found it more than 65% of the thermal energy requirements were for low heat, around 80 to 85 degrees was what we found And the milk powder, which is the high heat was only 20%. So what we actually decided is to go and plug the low hanging fruits get to that at 85 degrees hot water requirements. And that’s what we proceeded with.

Unknown Speaker 23:17
So, what are the achievements in this 15 projects, which we did in 2017, we added around one lakh 80,000 kilocalories per day of regeneration on 1000 square meters of concentrator area we have installed we did the 15 projects, that total investment of around 16 crores. There’s an equivalent furnace oil saving of 678 metric tons per annum equalent reduction of co2 emissions by 2488 metric tons. So, what we could see in our installations is there is an reduction of five to 15% in the fuel expenditure because of solar thermal intervention. Finally nddb did all these 15 projects on pro bono basis? Just to give you Where did we do this? We had six projects, installations in kalapuya on 2700 square meters of aperture area, three projects in Punjab and in Gujarat, three in Karnataka. So I’m actually going to the next slide. There are some photos of the installations in Kolhapur. The top four photos are from the chilling centers the bottom two are from the dairy.

Unknown Speaker 24:39
We have installations in Karnataka two in Bangalore ballari Abuja poof

Unknown Speaker 24:47
they are three installations in Punjab, Mohali jolanda Ludhiana. Just to discuss more as in a case study, we had one Installation at jungle chilling center where we did a 15 day performance trial is a Fila kilocalories system. We could get the radiations were good, we could get five lakh 80,000 kilocalories heat output during the performance period. This resulted in a furnace oil saving of around 3000 rupees a day. This is our new installation which you have done in pool dairy, which is a 14 lakh kilocalories system which has just is ready for commissioning. But then because of the lockdown we could not commission but he will do it as soon as possible. So, the future of implementation would be is to make aware, the small and medium sized dairy units about the benefits of harnessing solar energy with nddb has made the implementation of solar thermal as a part of its project implement addition, in Greenfield and Brownfield projects, we are targeting that we can install around 350 installations across India, given the support, there are some constraints, we need to bring down the cost of the concentrating technology. For now, there are limited options and very few concentrating technologies manufactured in India which probably we need to increase. And then we need to give confidence we should have confidence on the technology to give us consistent thermal energy for its lifespan. Thank you very much. And that’s the end of my presentation. No mistake. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 26:43
Thank you very much. It’s and Chandra CEQA for your presentation if you could stop sharing your screen. And then now is the turn of the next speaker who is ganic the battery so whenever you are ready Place

Unknown Speaker 27:03
so you need to stop Do I have to stop sharing your screen? Okay, there we go. Hello

Unknown Speaker 27:12
my name is

Unknown Speaker 27:15

Unknown Speaker 27:22
My name is Garnica and I’m a managing director of Gokul dairy in Colaba, which is in Maharashtra State in India. And I first thank the organizers for giving me an opportunity to present our case in front of you.

Unknown Speaker 27:51
This is my fluss firstlight

Unknown Speaker 27:55
instance September 2018, we started this CST project that is concentrated solar thermal project with the help of nddb and UNDP. As Mr. Chandra Shekar explained in his presentation, there was a meeting and we raise our hand and we said that okay, we are ready to implement it. And we would like to do the job thoroughly. And this is how we started. We have a main dairy in kalapuya and we have a satellite dairy nearby, and there are four chilling centers. So in all these places, we implemented the CST projects in Goku dairy. The CST area is 1300 50 square meters whereas in shiroi, it is 450 square meters. In our body it is 225 in all those chilling centers, the area is same when it comes To net investment which is in rupees, the gokudera investment is 26 point 5 million, whereas insure the investment is 9.1 million rupee and in tower avadi Kobe guarding Luz and p3 other chillings enters the investment is around 5.6 5.4 5.5. So in this way the total investment comes to 57 point 6 million rupees. During those days we were using furnace oil. And in only one place we were using brigade and in bidri also we were using briquettes whereas now we have stopped using furnace oil in all those places and we are using briquette only. So, at that point of time, the payback period was around four to five years. And that is how the project went on. In the second slide, you see the goko data information The installed capacity is 3 million kilocalories per day and it was commissioned in September 2018. The hot water generated maximum is 80 degrees centigrade, the aperture area is 1300 and 50 square meters and there are a number of collectors are 450 and the total investment is 26 point 5 million rupees and the saving is around 115,385 pages of furnace oil per year. In the Shiro satellite dairy, the installed capacity is 1 million kilocalories per day and aperture area is a foreign 50 square meters number of collectors is 150 cost of project is 9.1 million rupees and the fuel saving is 99 zero 90,000 kgs of brigades per year. At the chilling centers there are four chilling centers. So all put together the capacities point 5 million kilocalories per day and the aperture area is 225 square meter number of collectors in each place are 75 net investment for each project is by 5.6 million rupees and the fuel saving is 450 45,000 cages of briquette per year for each project, each chilling center the overall achievements in one slide, local dairy, the current steam generation that is kgs per day is in case of Goku dairy it is 4500 in case of Sharon satellite dairy 1083 In case of Chunga that is our body chilling centers by 140 in case of gorgui killing centers and other killing centers it is same that is by 140 and in total 7743 kgs of equivalent steam generation per day and this is a real time performance and total carbon dioxide reduction is equivalent to 3.7 times per day for all these six projects.

Unknown Speaker 32:31
The funding scenario is something like this the total project cost for us was 57 point 6 million rupees, whereas nddb loan was 70% interest rate was 5.5% and UNDP and Ministry of renewable energy subsidy was 30% of the project cost. But initially we spent all that 30% and later on, we claim the subsidy which we have received and that is The project funding was done. So, there are a few suggestions. Number one suggestion is that the supplier should operate the system for one year facilities and should train the local operators during that period because it’s very important that the system continues to run forever And for that, the training of the local operators is necessary and if the supply remains there for a period of one year, that is a kind of a support, which naturally we would need. Second point is the solar collector should be clean need needs to be cleaned every day and some record also needs to be maintained every day. So, if this is done properly, then only we could look back and we can study where we have gone wrong. So therefore, this is a this is very essential in from our point of view. The third point is solar collectors. instalation should be at a sufficient height. So, it should not be you know, near to the not only near to the ground, but even if it is on the rooftop it is needs to be at a elevated place so that the cleaning could be done properly that is our experience. And then the arrow water for primary system and software to for secondary system needs to be provided. We cannot use the raw water directly.

Unknown Speaker 34:24
There are certain recommendations.

Unknown Speaker 34:28
There needs to be a single window in our case, it was a national data Development Board of India. And I think that it was very helpful for us because we did not have to go to a minari separately or the UNDP separately to you know, follow our project. We went to nddb nddb. We submitted our project entity we approved it and that’s it. And indeed We continue to monitor and gave us a bit of guidance as well. Second point is additional City to be considered by minari. At present, they’re providing some 50% 30% subsidy. And we feel that there could be projects you know, which are not which which may not be money rich projects and may they may not be able to invest themselves the amount and therefore, the subsidy amount needs to be increased from government of India and the subsidy of central and state governments should go directly to an implementing agency, once the project is approved by NDTV. So, then therefore, you know, for other ways what happens in a government system, where you have to each time go with a you know, proposal for the release of the check and that becomes a very cumbersome process. And then last suggestion is that, if this whole project could be connected with some income tax benefit for the company, and if there could be somebody reduction in the tax and the interest rate if it could be reduced further, then the implementation of the project particularly for weaker areas of financially weak projects could be welcome question.

Unknown Speaker 36:18
This is my presentation.

Unknown Speaker 36:24
Thank you very much for giving me an opportunity.

Unknown Speaker 36:28
Thank you very much. Can I come for your presentation? So, before the next panelist gets ready, I’d like to remind everyone that they can send their questions through the q&a box. So I can see there are quite a few there and I can see some of the speakers have been answering some of them in some other questions in writing as well. So Well, our next speaker is Mr. can then see verbally and he will be the floor is yours now Canada if you’d like To protect

Unknown Speaker 37:12
the needs of the legal world

Unknown Speaker 37:19
can say the presentation is in full screen. So

Unknown Speaker 37:28
getting to the job, our initial active bank statements will give you ample time to present here for this special thanks to untroubled cannon, unique, better committed Hyderabad, India. They are one of the leading manufacturers of probiotics. Enzymes manufacture tickle. Our mission is to make a probiotic medical nutraceutical, which aims to make the production to all levels of the city

Unknown Speaker 38:00
This is how the project concept where they start to discuss with.

Unknown Speaker 38:06
The thing is, initially, people explained the project, we can just incorporate this CMT systems directly to people that we want without having stop or maybe data time in our current course of operation. So that’s how the first actually got into this project. Then as the show economics, they expanded the country to five years, the seminary and UNDP subsidy. And heart of the system of CST is like a mirror, which is having a life cycles of 20 years, it is a silver grade, or any other products that have been fixed for five years. Then after five years, the project can be supported by UNDP, Eg for any types of better maintenance or renovations. And moreover, there are systems that can reduce the carbon footprint. That’s how the project concept into and then we just say like yes, we can go into this project. This is a project details, they have implemented this project of 540 square meters. Examples of pictures of the process can give a limited view of other templates but 95 degrees of the total investment cost of Project 2000 13 million in entropy, you can see again get subsidy of 4.8 6 million from seminary and this can produce almost 30 tons of oil and it can come down be under tons of copper debt and all the data can be enforced online. So, any processing domain or any downtime we can able to calculate and bring to the process. The process advantages that come with the safety systems is that it removes less manpower interventions are that given the toxic oil, high level item features all those things that can be taken into auto mode and it can be synchronized to the feedwater having any tournaments and during the sunshine, they can able to do so normal while the water is the main advantage of this project and as the eco friendly systems a carbon tax reduction because we reduce it drastically from consumption of conditioning.

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