

“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.”

Alvin Toffler

The RE.Learn program enables renewable energy professionals to learn from top experts through our program of online webinars.

Our webinars are 1h long and announced at least one month in advance, so you can plan ahead.

You can join from your office or home, all you need is an internet connection to access the boundless learning that the RE.Learn Program affords you

Identify business opportunities in less than an hour

Our webinars distill key insights of a renewable market, saving you research time and effort to understand the topic and who are the leading experts who can help you

Gain actionable knowledge from top industry executives

Our interactive webinars offer you the chance to hear from top experts  and ask them the questions that have always been on your mind

Free and accessible wherever you are

Whether you are at home, in your office or on the go, you can participate in our webinars. All you need is an internet connection

What attendees say about the RE.Learn Program

“The webinars are very interesting to get up to speed on what’s going on in the market; even for regions where we are not operating”

ACWA Power

“Thank you so much for the high-quality webinars and great speakers”


“The session was wonderful and I’m looking forward to attending next webinars you are planning”

The Watt Studio

“The live cast was very interesting and very useful to my work. I learned a lot and I look forward to future live casts”


“First of all thank you and all the webinar team for the good organization and I congratulate you on the success of this meeting. I had a lot of positive feedback from colleagues on the smooth running of the webinar, the richness of the presentations and the high level of participation”

World Bank