Recording and presentations: Opportunities for solar heat in Europe

19 March 2020

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Automated transcription (it may contain errors)

Belén Gallego 0:30
Good morning. Good afternoon I just wanted to welcome everyone to this online session about opportunities for solar heat in Europe. This is one of our thermal Thursdays where we talk about thermal heat solar heat. And I just want to welcome y’all and I’d like to ask you to request if you can, please introduce yourselves in the chat on the side. My name is belaying as you go and I am from Insights. I’m based here in Madrid, and I Just want to let you know that we are going to begin literally this session in one minute. But in the meanwhile where we allow a few more people to join us in this room, and there’s like to you know, for you guys to use your your chats and introduce yourself so that we know who’s there. You can say your name your company and you can say where you’re joining from. And here’s Make sure you use all panelists, all attendees so that we can all see it. Thank you very much.

All right, so let’s begin. Welcome everyone. I see that you slowly but surely are sharing using the chat we’ll see people from Greece from from Denmark, people from Portugal from what I saw from Cairo, Egypt, Switzerland. Welcome, everyone. So today we’re here to talk about the opportunities for solar heat in Europe. And with me, I have three experts in the topic, and I’d like for them to introduce themselves so that you know, who stuck in, I’d like to first I would like to ask you, Danny, Please, could you introduce yourself?

Unknown Speaker 2:34
Hello, Milan. Hello, everyone. So my name is Randy paddle. And I’m connected from Brussels, because I’m from sorry to the Serato Association. But I will tell you more about this in a few minutes.

Belén Gallego 2:45
Thank you very much in it. And next up I’d like to ask Christian to introduce himself, please.

Unknown Speaker 2:51
Yes, hello, everyone. This is Christian speaking from solar laid off of Austria. I am seeking grants. And as probably most of you will All sticking it out homes at the moment.

Belén Gallego 3:03
Indeed, we’ll get into this in a minute and Miguel, please could you introduce yourself?

Unknown Speaker 3:08
Yeah, of course. So, Hi everyone. My name is Miguel Foskett from salon from Spain. Well, actually from Valencia here, like everyone also in my house.

Belén Gallego 3:22
Yeah, I suppose we’re all like at the moment, you know, under under house arrest because of this coronavirus. But luckily for us, this kind of realizations can still go on. So welcome everyone. And this is how it’s gonna go. I’m gonna ask it in a first mute your microphone, please and share your screen to prepare in watts cheaper bears and just like to give you a few messages. One we are recording this session so you don’t have to worry. We will send you a link where you can access the recordings and the materials and they will come a couple of days after this session. So probably by Monday, you will have it okay and do send the questions if you could please use the q&a box at the bottom of the of the toolbar instead of using the chat we use the chat you know to talk amongst ourselves but the q&a for us to consider the the questions and we will take the questions at the end of the session. Okay, so without further ado, it No Why don’t you go ahead and give us your presentation. So we need would you need to unmute your microphone goes out

Unknown Speaker 4:25
to the me, is it okay?

Belén Gallego 4:27
Now perfect. Yes. Now I can hear you. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 4:29
So sorry. But then, as I said already, I’m hearing from three zero and today I would like to start with just telling you a bit what sort of therapies and what we do. So for those who of you who don’t know us, we are the industry association of Salter Ma. So we represent companies in Europe. Our members, as you can see from this slide are from very different areas and are doing different application patience and our goal era. Is to advocate for sort of Germany, in Europe in particular, of course, but especially for a better policy and regulatory framework. So to have better condition for this industry to try in Europe. So, today, I would like to start with giving you a bit of an overview on the market in Europe. So for those of you who doesn’t know, the energy demand in Europe, almost half of it is represented by heating and cooling. And nowadays, only 19% of the heating demand in Europe is based on renewables. So this shows the potential of fathers and renewables development. And what we can do also to decarbonize a very important part of our energy demand. But going back to the search thermo market last year, where the Iranian growth of 7.8% and these growth and additional one just to give you an insight of the market that grow more last year, Germany led the way with 26 26% of new install capacity on the total one in Europe, just followed by greaser, Poland, Spain, Italy and other countries. But if you want to know more about this, you can just have a look at our annual report presenting the statistic on the market. So as I told you, we add 1.5 Giga thermal more in Europe, which led to an overall install capacity of 36.1 gigawatts I think you can see my pointer here. So this led to an overall turnover of almost two Europeans, and an estimated of jobs which which almost 19,000 jobs. These in is estimated in a total number of search terms installation in Europe of more than 10 million. And this led to an overall co2 emission reduction of 6.8 empty, but going to the focus of today’s webinar, so the industrial sector since almost one third of it, and oh, this third 74% is eating Unfortunately, also, as you can see from the graph here, the majority of industry is still based on fossil fuels. So we have coal leading the way with almost 50% of the energy in one month, followed by natural gas and oil, and renewable in industrial heat are just 9%. So here as well, I think it’s striking how we can further increase and further deploy renewables in this sector. But if you look back at the European situation, and in particular, the temperature level of the industry in Europe, if you look at the graph here, almost half of the heat consumption industry is below 200 degrees or process cooling, which means that we have technologies and solar thermal to decarbonize almost 50% of our industry, in Europe, of course, then for is temperature, we will use other technologies like electricity, hydrogen, you name it, we can talk about it, but for low temperature, it really the potential is huge. looking a bit on the industrial sector, that can be the carbon Through the use of solar heat, as you can see the different segments and for each of them you have a type of collector which is more suitable for, for doing it. So if you look at like the food and beverage industry or lower temperature overall, you can use flat plate collectors back in Cuba CPC one and then you can move on with the Iveco flat plate or later on with Fresnel and concentrated collectors. But what is important also to stress is that you can use a watermark for directed so of course for lower temperature, but you can also use it for predicting for higher temperature. And this is both from the supply side but also on the return of the process. So I think this is very important. And if we look at other application now we have more and more applicants for my use development for

Unknown Speaker 8:55
so I think that the market is expanding and the demand from industry is there. So, this is also very relevant. And now, I would like to give you a bit of an evolution on overview on the evolution of ship plans. So, we call it cheap solar it for industry process and looking at the worldwide situation, here in the graph, you can see the blue dot will represent the number of system and the orange bar which is the size of the system. So the gross area and as you can see, the majority of the collectors 80% of it, there’s most cave collectors most carry installation. So that goes from zero to 700 square meter. But if you look at the area of the Serato market worldwide 80% of it is represented by a very few few installations. So, this is also to show you how the demand for large scales in installation is growing and to give you some and all this data come from this database, which is called cheap database. So if you go there, you can have a look an overview on the existing solar thermal plants for industrial process all over Word, you have a gallery with picture from installation and you can feature a lecture or installation. So this is very useful. And then we have another I would also like to give you some examples of the largest plant that we have in Europe from another database. So, let’s hear in June, the French company knew it open the largest at the time, solar heat for industrial process plant reaching the size of four 4000 square meter. So almost 3.4 megawatt thermal. And you have to consider that before this one the largest plant was 2000 square meters, so half of it, but in October the same year, we had another company due to energy, that launch and 9000 square meter plant for freedom. So for greenhouse supply, eat right.

Unknown Speaker 10:52
And this is the same year

Unknown Speaker 10:57
respectively of 14 and 14 and 15. Have one square meter. The first one is in France again for Martin factory. And the second one is always from G to energy on another greenhouse farm. And you can find all this information in the syrup payback project website there as well you have a gallery with copyright free images, and I really recommend you go there to have some concrete examples. But today, I’m here to speak more or less about the policy context, because this is what we do here in Brussels. And so as you know, or may not know, Europe has pledged to become the first Climate Neutral continent by 2050. And to do that European Commission recently published its Green Deal, which is a growth strategy for a prosperous society in a Climate Neutral friendly way. So what at European level they are working on are several policy files, focusing on the full spectrum of needed policies from financing how to finance the transition with the just transition found from the climate aspects, with the climates low and the climate pack. Simply add the communication and industrial strategy. And I think that this industry, it’s really a relevant part of this transition. And as far as Europe, we have noticed that businesses and industries are probably the most difficult sector to decarbonize. Even though the potential is there, and the demand should be there, they are still lagging a bit behind them, as you have seen with the data before of 9% renewables in the search process. So this is new mostly to two factors, at least from what we saw. So either for businesses, energy is really irrelevant. It’s a fundamental part of the process. And so they are afraid of changing the way they produce their product, and they don’t want to change so they don’t want to include renewables, fearing that this will alter the final product. Or if you look at the very opposite for certain business They don’t think about it as a key performance indicator, and they are not looking in solution or investing time to decarbonize it. So I think this situation can be improved by putting in place a system of push and pull measures. So on one end, there should be an obligation or very low one, something like five to 10% for renewable it industrial process, because in this way, businesses will be obliged to be engaged in the transition. But on the other end, this should be also supported, especially if you think about SMEs or businesses cannot really afford taking steps to the carbonized. So there should be a slight conditionality for financing, meaning that new financial stream for renewable heat so if the business want to expand these facilities or building new facilities, it should include locally produced renewable eat and that should be supported. 3d is key to have both the obligation but also the support to make this a fair transition indeed, so achievable to everybody. And I think with this side, give you a quite a long overview already on market and policies. And I was still thank you all for your attention.

Belén Gallego 14:19
Thank you very much. elearning. If you can, please stop sharing the screen so that we can Christian if you can unmute yourself and share your screen. And remember to send the questions that you have through the q&a box. You know, what was Christian places his screen and thank you very much it never put in your details so that anyone that has any questions for you that they can contact you. Remember that you are going to get a link to the presentations into the video. So you’re good, you’re good. I usually get a lot of questions about that. So is when I preempt them

Unknown Speaker 14:53
the moment

Belén Gallego 14:54
now Sure, thank you time. I know there’s technology thing you know, has a little bit of challenges here and there. But So I hope there are people here from even Australia. There is a little bit of everything here. So thank you guys for making the effort of coming and joining us. I know it’s a little bit late where you are says more more appreciative and a lot of people from all over Europe, so it’s great. I hope that the situation in your homes is a little bit better than the situation here at the moment.

Unknown Speaker 15:21
Okay, yeah.

Belén Gallego 15:23
You see my screen? We do not at the moment. Sorry. Can you stop sharing? Oh, that now now now now. It’s coming up. Yeah. Perfect. You good? Okay.

Unknown Speaker 15:33
So Hello, everyone. pleasure for me talking to you. Now. Solid is some of you might know some of you might not know he’s focused on large scale solar thermal systems with doing that now since 1992. And I’ve been personally founder and management since that time. We are based in Graz, Austria. We do have subsidiaries in China. In the US and Singapore and broke in many countries, and besides the rate for industrial process, what is our focus today and for you see on the left bottom here already a picture for meat factory, we work on district heating and cooling applications, what you see in the slide on the right side. Now, on the scope of work, we take care from the very first idea and I would say, especially in industry, it’s very, very important because on industrial applications, it’s really not only about dropping eating to the existing system, it’s really about understanding the interfaces, understanding the needs of the customer, and gaining advantages of combining the elements of the solar plan with already existing systems and marrying the two technologies or the existing technology and existing equipment in the best way we sola. So he has a real high importance in engineering and for sure that goes into it. Land construction and actually directly connecting to what uranium said earlier, it will act as an energy service company. And for a long period we have refused that working in industry. Because in the industry you have a very variable situation process can change, businesses go out of business, and then you as an energy service company invest into a solar thermal plant on an industrial facility and the customer suddenly goes in bankruptcy or changes his major processes, you might have a stranded investment. However, in the last year, we started offering that to industry as well. And the reason for that was industry is used to take their own investment capital in the core process to increase production to improve the core processes and energy Usually not part of it. And the CI is a side business that is needed to run the core business. But the focus is, is seldom putting the only investment money into energy investments. So what we did to win this competition on investment money, after we lost the battle in many industrial projects, and we presented nice proposals, and at the end of the day, the industry decided, well, we keep the money for encore business and solar plants, even we say, very good return of investment seen out of sort of server perspective, when not performing sufficient to get realized. And so we do use this business model to pay as well for industry. Within solid as well. We do research development and consulting services. Now, and it goes a little bit back to the history how we entered into the industrial sector, for sure. Very simple solution is to do any type of preheating, where you have a cold stream coming back from the consumer or even the cold water stream and heat that up with the collectors whatever can be done. And that can go either on the individual process or it can go if you have a centralized system with the network and then supply several heat exchanges, that gives very good solar harvest because collectors are very efficient at that. And so, these are easy to understand systems where industry is more open to enter because they are not concerned that we mess up their manufacturing. And this is a very important point. industry is concerned about interfaces with innovation with new technologies, because if we cause one or two days of stopping production, this damage exceeds every gains they can get out of the solar plants within the next few years.

Unknown Speaker 20:02
So that is actually the door opener to industry I would say. And I’ll take one rather old example. for that. We worked in the US we scattered PepsiCo, we started with a small project in 2008 and the guys we’re evaluating not only server a server, but it’s going to syrupy we we did a preheating for the production of Gatorade so the Gatorade is produced they get tap water in cleans the tap water the heated up the senate sorry, versus Moses, then the heated up to pasteurize ready and then the mix integrates into populate. The nice message was was after two years to compare, this is really working nice, please triple the capacity of the system. Another two years later, they come back and say, Well, this one production line you want to move more or less hundred percent just to hola if we have that. With a good solar profile, so that gave the cert phase of the project in 2012 system is still operational today. And as we always talk about integration on the left bottom on this picture, you’ll see a container sitting quiet in the front. This convenience all the solar system needs for the pump station for the control unit for the safety devices. And behind this container, you’ll see a red tank. Well this red tank is not insulated because it was during construction. But this tank is helping to balance the energy for phase one between daily sunshine and 24 hours usage. Now, if you look at the roof, it’s almost like a choke. Face one takes a very small part of the roof only. Phase Two is a little bit nicer. But still, there’s plenty of roof available for renewable energy and phase three, it looks a bit interesting. What happened here in between the static engineer changed? And he said, Well, the previous static engineer has calculated so much contingencies, that actually his existing support structure could take the T shirt collectors in between. For sure that was a nice point on saving money and avoiding additional connection points on the roof. Now, I want to move to a little bit of next level on the industry. And this is the reason why I’ve highlighted here, the most bottom project for a least because here I think we go to a real next level compared to all these preheating installations you see on the other installations, at least is a company luckily situated in garage as well. And they are focused on developing engines for cars and doing everything between electric engines, diesel engines, In private cars, trucks, race car, so to ever seen, and for that to have a lot of amortization demands if heating, cooling, and it’s huge factory actually they employ 7000 engineers just in grads, and they have a lot of international

Unknown Speaker 23:21
offices as well. The targets when we got to know each other, they’re very simple to describe it, you know, we use a lot of energy, plenty of our casting around on fossil fuels. So we want to show our environment, the commitment, we want to reduce our consumption of heat. So we’ll see mostly from natural gas as a direct buy some gas boilers they had or indirectly which came from district heating, but that was a major common like natural gas as well. And if you can offer us a system which is a little bit below the benchmark of district heating, we simply have a business case as well. They did have a Very simple second target is, well, the parking garage, which you see in the picture at the right side didn’t have a roof. And that meant in wintertime that were slow to openings and parking spaces. And this is garages in the middle of the facilities, there was no way to simply dump to slow down somewhere. And so try to dissolve this no result. Well, this was hurting the steel structure. And that roof would be a much better solution both for the winter end as well for summer because then the cars are not the top when our employees wanna drive home finally. So it was a very simple approach. We said, Okay, let’s see what we can do for sure some load on heat in facilities like that. It’s not this big. We said, okay, we need to have a storage tank to balance between the data supply system and the demand. We’ve worked on analyzing the previous years and seeing the real profiles and find them We ended up with a plant which is 1584 square meters of solar collectors we set a nominal capacity of 1.1 megawatt as it fits into there that would call the district to increase they have such a big facilities that they really have a micronet there. We put in something around 500 to 600 megawatt hours per year. You can translate that to 2040 tons of co2 savings and this started working in 27. As I already explained previously, that is an energy service type arrangements or sister company of ours is owner operator of this plant and abl just pays for the energy delivered. And at a certain point in the contract, they have the right we psychiatrist to take over if they weren’t, but you see here is a picture of of the plant when it has been installed. You see as well the storage tank which is just just attached to the parking garage, and it’s a very central point in the back, you see this central castle heated, we have field grads, and it’s a very prominent installation, you actually can see these plant from the nature’s sites in places we haven’t grabbed. We have built the mechanical room, which takes two parking parking spots from this parking house. And it’s just located at the corner of the building at the front right corner. So you see the blue error from the small mechanical room indicating where’s the mechanical facilities. So small secret approach, and I think that was quite a good way. But

Unknown Speaker 26:49
these targets we had were fulfilled. The limitation we had were clearly coming from the summit demand of a gal and let’s put the question Is that really all we can do as a solar industry, that was maybe two or 3% of the annual heating, cooling demand. And at certain point we started sitting together and said, Isn’t there more we can do? There are many models. There is some waste heat coming from the engine testing, which could be integrated in the new energy system. At the same time, through increasing the company’s activities, they had increment demand and cooling and actually that happens year by year they add more test facilities at offices. So energy demand as well on the cooling side is increasing. And the initial cooling system was built on two big electric chillers only. So there was a question well, what if these electric chillers go out of operation by some emergency by some supply, we should have some basic redundancy not covering all All air conditioning and cooling needs, but at least to a certain extent if we do have some issues on that. So, hearing all at least and seeing the facility and in the picture here, you clearly see there are several more groups around it. Is that okay? Let’s see what we can do about that and develop a kind of second level concept with integration of energy efficiency here, we see integration of cooling and moving that to a next level and getting out of this small portion of summer supply. So, what could be achieved is that we say okay, on the roofs we find to potential and we have engineered now an extension of more than 2000 square meters for that plant was a waste heat wasted is available when they have certain processes running, but that’s not really matching their profile on the consumption side. So, we had Oh gosh, we already have a storage tank there which today is used only for so long. So, we could integrate that and combine he has a different technologies and take advantage of that. On the strong increase of cooling, you know, we are working on solar cooling and working on solar air conditioning. So is it well, if there are more collectors to heat, if we can take advantage of waste heat, we don’t have a mount on the heating side between June and August, but we could add an absorption chiller to that system and provide chilling through that. And at the same time is absorption heat pump means we create some redundancy on the cooling side as well. And after long discussion with all the mechanical team, there was basic trust the terms generally work and that’s a good value of the step one approach because it gives confidence that gifts Trust that keeps them learning each other. This face tool system is now under implementations cheela already is placed there and will be commissioned. Well, it should have been commissioned this week. But as you can understand in the current situation, all these things are a little bit delayed, the additional collectors shall be installed shown and the software will be integrated and to work on the peak management and to serve all these additional options we can offer getting you some pictures which are still engineering today, but that will be what you can see on Google Earth in a few months from now. So you see the two neighboring roofs carrying collectors. The mechanical center of the bid will be just added to the existing one. So instead of two parking spots will be taped for and the chill actually will be the central cooling plant. So that’s a little bit out of this picture. But that will be a solution that gives much more value. And the return of investment of this extension is only possible by the integration of the cooling by the integration of the waste heat, and by merging and combining the solar potential with the detail analyzes of all the existing rest of the system. So, thanks for your attention, and we come to question and as lay down, thank you.

Belén Gallego 31:34
Thank you very much Christian, there is a few questions. I’m going to ask you to stop sharing your screen so that we can allow Miguel to, to share his and keep them coming, guys. We have a few questions, so we’ll get to them at the end. I used to have a few questions that I’d like to ask. So hopefully we’ll have time for everything. Yes, perfect. Okay, you’re ready to go and we can hear you and we can see perfectly Go

Unknown Speaker 31:58
ahead. Perfect. Thanks, Milena. Thanks everyone, that during the the webinar, as I said before, my name is Neil Foskett come from Solidum in in Spain. And just to explain you very briefly what the company is so the term Isa is a solar supplier for concentrate the linear linear funnel. And our market is mainly a spin actually, roughly one out of four constant readership referencing has been used our collections so we’re really spread. And as you can see in the pictures, we’re collectors, preassembled solo, linear funnel for steaming high high temperature generation, we are not only pre assemble the solar field as you can see also in in this picture, we also pre assemble all the integration, VOIP, everything And today, I want to I want to show you Reference case. And in that reference case, we are going to study payback time on solar shell. And the idea the from the presentation is to bury to change the demand profile and the integration scheme and the fuel costs and to study how the payback time And the short answer is going to modify when we change those inputs. Yes, a little disclaimer. As I show you before, our main focus is small and medium companies that’s the reason that we do pre assemble solo fails because we are not going for big big projects like you used to before in the case of Christian Of course we are going to use in this angle to use in this presentation and the results of this presentation our collectors because they are the ones that that The best the numbers that you can see, of course, apply to select on case. So I I will say that it’s better to focus in the patterns and in the how the Bible’s changed and not in the absolute number because the absolute minimum number is going to depend on the on the solar supplier on the finance characteristics or the projects, etc. Finally, I’m going to use the recipe simulator is an open simulator. So you you could if you’re interested, you could use it and replicate the same resource that I’m going to show you here. To use it just go to the to this addresses, as I said, this is open source. So what why I’m going to change demand profile fuel cost and integration because when you target into Free as you can see here, those inputs are very viable actually, what you have here is a result from from Spain actually project conducted by the solar contra Spanish platform as you can see how the demand profile is bearing with the size of the industry. So for big industries like demand higher than 20 gigawatt hours, medium companies so demand between five and 20 gigawatt hours and small companies when the demand is lower than the open house to do other gigawatt hours. So, you can see the demand, of course, in the big industries is mostly three shifts. So, like 24 seven, the integration is usually continuous, they usually do not produce with batches. And, of course, most of them they’re producing the whole week. So, we can is included 37% and only the week plus Saturday 63%. So, as you can see, there are a lot of

Unknown Speaker 36:12

Unknown Speaker 36:15
combination depending on the size of the of the company also indicates a fuel, it also changed change a lot, depending if there are companies is the company or small company medium company, roughly almost 90% of the consumption in big companies or natural gas or LNG. And in the case of the small companies, it depends there are a lot of companies still producing with a burning force, burning diesel and other kinds of fields. So that that’s why the whole study is focusing energy in these parameters. So, as I told you, we’re going to work with a reference case it’s actually a real case. So one of our projects in Extremadura, but what I did is changed a little bit. So we can try different integrations and different demand profiles. But it’s mostly a boiling process. So you have a boiling pool of 12 cubic meters. And we have to put this water inside of the boiling pool from 12 degrees Celsius degrees, which is degree temperature to 95. So you can you can boil the product and you have to put inside the product and you and the product has to be there for one hour. And then you go, you take out the product, and you took another product, and, and so on. So this is the case for example for cork, but you could also think about meat and but if you think about meat, remember that the temperature will be a little lower than 95%. So this is the finance case. What we are going to try here is to put different integrations See how it changes. So for example, these are the three integration that we are going to try one is using steam with the concentrated solar collectors. So we have our conventional steam boiler. And we’re going to put in parallel solar concentrators to produce a steam that is going to hit the boiling point. Another type of integration is when we’re going to preheat the water that fills the boiling pool without any storage and in the third integration, we are going to hit a thermal storage and from the thermostat, which is where we are going to put the water inside of the of the boiling of the boiling pool. So three different integration that we are going to change in in a moment and see the results. Also, we are going to change so it’s going to be a matrix. So we are going to change the demand profile. So in this case, you can see a demand peak which is 1.1 megabytes Which is the amount of energy needed to to hit the hotels cubic meters and a constant demand meaning that is the amount of heat that you have to put to get the process going on. So we have in the case a you have a constant demand so we have 175 kilowatt hours of demand for the process and the peak demand as I said for fulfilling the volume pool. The week is a is working the full the full week and as you can see this is the annual demand taking into account and 80% efficiency of steam boiler. In the case be what we are going to do is we are going to assume to ship so it’s not 24 seven now we are going only to work from 6am which is the moment that you have to fill the volume pool and we are going to work up to 8pm for the full week, and in the case three, what we’re going to do is we’re going to use the same daily profile. But for the weekend for the for the week, we are not going to have the man on the weekends. So don’t worry if you are having problems following up, since we are going to share the presentation you can go back to this lesson and do it like slowly. So, this is for example, the result and with the steam generation, as you can see, I in the case a which is the 24 seven production. You can see here the results you can see here in my mouse, the demand for the process, this is the big demand for for filling the whole

Unknown Speaker 40:49
volume pool and in blue is the solid production. As you can imagine, I design the solar field. So it is so there is no default choice. The maximum production in summary is just a hearing the in the in 170 was a little more because of the efficiency of 60 molar, but do 180 kilowatt hours. So, as you can see the solar share is 15% why because the rest of the of the day we are not producing any any solar energy and in this case the payback is is 10 years. So, the better of the of the solar failures 217 square meters This is the annual energy and utilization is 100% meaning that there is no default So, we can use all the energy that we produce in the case we are going to reduce the demand on the on the working hours. And since we are going to produce the same amount of energy of course if we reduce the demand so Russia is going to do increases is is obvious thing happens in a remote you can see the difference between 24 demand with with a 12 hour demand and in the case see in this case as you can see this is Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Sunday. So, as you can see in the weekends, there is no product there is no demand. So, all of our production is is wasted because in this case there is no no storage. So when we will withhold water with this without storage is more or less the same but in this case we have a little more production because we are working in lower temperature. So that means lower thermal losses. Okay, so this means that I have to hurry up. The solar here is a little more because we are producing more energy with this handyman. They’re very lucky slower Of course because one we have to see more in it. Slightly more energy, but also the the investment for water is lower than than storage,

Belén Gallego 43:08
don’t worry about it just take your time

Unknown Speaker 43:10
okay sorry.

Unknown Speaker 43:13
So, this is a comparison between the steam generation and hot water with our storage. So, here we are comparing the two integration with our storage. Of course, hot water is more convenient, actually, we have more solar share and we have lower payback periods. But I have to also say that sometimes as for example, in a mention the user the end user is not really welcoming a solution that is going into the process. So they prefer rather to integrate this kind of technology into supply. And in that case, you have to integrate it in the steam generation. So of course If you have the possibility sometimes depending on the on the fluid, you can go with this kind of solutions and you’re going to have like lower paybacks, but if not, we have to go with stimulation for the integration with storage, this is a little more complex because if you are familiar with CSP, you you will know for sure this kind of graphics, the SEO Ah, so the levelized cost of heat is going to depend on the size of the storage and also sorry, I didn’t put it here but it’s the size of the solar field. So for each volume of storage, there is solid field that reaches an optimum, as you can see in the GIF here, this is the levelized cost of heat. How it starts high, then goes down and suddenly goes up again. It’s just because the energy that we are charging here, start reaching a plateau by The energy focus when we increase the solar field just increases and increases. So, if the energy charge reaches a plateau and the focus increases, obviously, the levelized cost of heat is going to increase again. So this means that you can find a minimum. And as I said, this minimum is going to vary depending on the volume of the of the storage and under solar field size. Here you can see from from the recipe simulator, how it’s going to be a production in this case is 2424, seven production, and if you charge which is the yellow columns, then you can discharge here, and of course, the selector is going to be a higher. Finally, just want to mention this is quite a use. But it’s important also to notice that of course if the fuel cost is higher, of course they have this sort of Is the celebrate is going to be lower. And you can see the difference in in both in the three cases and that’s more or less the whole thing that I wanted to explain today just as I said please don’t focus on the absolute numbers focus on the trends and focus on the in the fact that this is not a copy pace as Christiane mentioned, every project is different and it’s very important to, to to change the and to adapt the project to to every Java client. So if you add up the project or refine the payback, and there and the Sharona Sherry is going to definitely change a lot. So it’s something that you have to take into account. So that’s it. All that I can say in in 12 minutes.

Unknown Speaker 47:05

Belén Gallego 47:06
Thank you very much. Thank you very much. If you can just take that off so that we can see, what is that little white card with a black background? What did you have like one of the just above a Skype you had like a contact form that is like a little cut with a black background.

Unknown Speaker 47:25
Okay, okay. Yeah, that’s GitHub actually does. Well, I love programming. And I love programming in Python. So GitHub is like a public repository of, of code. And I put it here because recipe, the simulator that I use, and a lot of people are using is public. It’s open source and the whole code is is in this public repository. So

Belén Gallego 47:54
I’m really glad I asked because even though that means nothing to me, I am sure I am A lot of people out there, you know, cuz you guys, engineer types, which is, you know the kind that come to this, these these webinars, I’m sure that you guys understand the importance of having those codes. All right, I’m gonna ask a few questions we have about, I would say, five, six minutes, and Christian has been doing a great job of answering a lot of people. So thank you very much Christian. That leaves less questions, you can still send some but we’re gonna do as many as we can. So the first is free DNA says that Elan a have data on solar heating at a country level for eu 27.

Unknown Speaker 48:35
Yes, so as I mentioned before, the data I show you are aggregated ones, but we also have country specific data on our market statistics. So if you go to our website, you look for us 2018 because data is from 2018. You can find the full and download the full report.

Belén Gallego 48:53
Thank you very much. You can ask me. There is no one here for you. So I’m just gonna ask you a question for reading. Have you just looked at not have just looked at the ship plan to the infant? Why is there no flight register engine in Denmark we have more than 100 planned sizing 1000 megawatts to 150 7000 meter squares so from 1000 to one and then 57,000 meter squares for most district heating but also process

Unknown Speaker 49:21
because the database I show is specific on sheep acessories for process heat. But I think that Denmark should be there, I’m pretty sure is there because I know for district is quite a good market for us and also the largest district heating plant in the world. So it’s a country that we look into and I’m I will double check and I can come back to or the person can write me directly if he or she wish, and that we’ll have a look at it, but should be there anyway, is sheeps specific. So that’s why you don’t find the district heating network which are indeed very relevant in Denmark.

Belén Gallego 49:57
And one last question here for you as well. Could you please share the website, which you mentioned about statistics?

Unknown Speaker 50:05
It’s our website is solar heat Europe website. So every year we publish a report showing the year on year growth of the market and the fluctuation. So also normal analysis on European countries, though, is not that global level. But all the links are in the presentation that I think you will share after the webinar, then, yes, we will share for sure, but if you want to

Belén Gallego 50:25
just plug it into the chat, so that we will have access to it right now, they’ll probably be useful. In the meanwhile, keep asking questions to these other two people here. Okay. So there’s a question that is really like a macro, you know, context type thing that says for each presenter, how does your company predictions of growth, I imagine implants compared to the Paris Climate accord challenges. I mean, isn’t it a bit of a big one, but how are you guys planning your growth in enlightenment to the cop 23.

Unknown Speaker 50:53
Let me maybe take a statement here.

Unknown Speaker 51:00
If it can be about industries using today it heat and what solar energy is providing via a mini mini mini supply. And as you can see it has a huge potential and then one side or it’s a huge challenge on the other side. So we need to grow our technology on all levels. And the bottleneck is not at all the manufacturing part of bottleneck is we have to get connected we need to get the awareness of the industry. industry needs to understand what we can contribute and we need to understand how to eat the link so long with existing things. If this can be achieved as a huge potential of growth and the sink the chance and and the way to go for all solar companies is seeing this opportunity and working to grow our business and use the good political tailwind. We have here the moment to get things really moving you If we’re not successful on that, and whether it might be with one or the other technology for sure, which has same ideas on that, but I think generally solar heat is a kind of sleeping giant giant on the potential here and we need to awake this technology and get it rolling. And I would say this gives some of the mindset we have about our PhD as well.

Unknown Speaker 52:24
Do you want to add anything mean No, it’s more or less the same I think we all same situations is is quite complicated market Actually, I will say was complicated before the corona virus now it’s even more complicated. Now for example, we have like four prior for projects now in construction will three in construction one was meant to be in the startup phase this week, and suddenly everything stop so I don’t know it’s it’s quite difficult right now to to make any position It was difficult before but but now it’s completely, completely impossible.

Belén Gallego 53:04
I was I was going to ask you guys, it’s like the pink elephant right now. And, you know, I mean, I don’t want a webinar about, you know, she been csh to go the coroner way, but the reality is, the economies are imploding. You know, all of our governments are like, yeah, you know, the central banks, don’t worry, nothing’s happening here, but like, the reality is stuff is happening. So, you know, constructions are stopping, like, there’s a lot of uncertainty. So I like to eat. I know, it’s a little bit of a weird question, you know, because no one really knows. But I mean, what is your, you know, once you’ve been, you know, once or twice around crisis, that most of the responses seem to be the same. So, what is your take, in fact of, you know, how would what is currently going to affect industry because industry is coming to a standstill in many parts of the world. So, you know, what do you think is going to be the midterm impact of this an angel in this industry?

Unknown Speaker 54:01
Miguel you can start.

Unknown Speaker 54:02
Yeah, of course I have said in I think it’s very cases specific. But for example, in our case, we’re very young. So this is for this is going to be our first crisis letter. That’s it. So we now have experience from from previous years. But for example, in our case here, some of the components of our collectors come from China, Italy, Germany, so it’s very hard to keep production. So our our concept our approach is to is to keep constant production in our factory so that that’s the whole the whole idea instead of having like a big production for a project and then stop and then go again with a big production so we we keep it flat and custom, but now it’s going to be for sure impossible, so I don’t know in one month or two months, we are going to finish our Was soap. And and let’s see, that’s full production. And another thing is, as I said, ongoing projects, in the case of Christianity have been also nice to stop. So you cannot build anything we have Yeah, as I said one project in commissioning that I don’t know when we are going to go back. But I don’t know. So the thing is that we are not an ecommerce. So for good or bad we don’t have 3000 queries like every month, so you have projects and usually in our case is just six five projects per year. So, I don’t know it’s maybe it’s too soon to see we like

Belén Gallego 55:52
I suppose the question is like when we go back, is everything going to recover and gonna speed up in relationship to the time we’ve lost out on You know, are we gonna see? I suppose that’s the question. Well, no one really knows. Christian, you’ve been around the block once or twice. Who is your tech?

Unknown Speaker 56:07
Well, yeah, I would say we are a little bit longer in business. So it’s not the first crisis, but it’s definitely the world we see biggest impact, I think. And no one of us knows how long this will drag on at the moment. But my personal seeking is this is something which takes a few months until it settles. So the impact on all the economy will be tremendous. And it’s such a good flow in the Green Deal in the yield mindset now in a lot of things coming up. And I think we need to use this time now when we look at our home smartly, preparing the restart and the present, that we show our importance to build it in a good way. But I think that’s a way to handle that. Honestly, saying What will be the impact? Well, it will be for sure focus on keeping economy generally life. And again, I’m sorry to say self is not the first priority in keeping all the economy running. So we need to be smart we need to be present and we need to show up prepared prepare ourselves as good as positive for the restart of that and yeah,

Belén Gallego 57:28
it hits home. rephrase the question for the end because she’s, you know, she’s in Brussels. So she’s talking to all of the all of the European leaders and for me the question for you then is I mean, my feeling you know, people have asked me a lot this, I don’t know what I think people think that I have an insight that it goes above anybody else’s, but my take guess I think governments are going to hang on to the green and, you know, co2 footprint to grow. You know, this is what that’s my feeling is that us as renewable energy industry are not enough. We’re gonna suffer, if anything the opposite, however, I mean, what are you? What is your take?

Unknown Speaker 58:05
Well, that’s a very good question. And I hope that, but this is not exactly my field of expertise, to

Unknown Speaker 58:12
be honest, I have that.

Unknown Speaker 58:14
Now, with this pandemic going on, people are getting more and more aware of the what they can do and what they should do in a crisis situation. And what people do not understand is that the climate one is another emergency, even though not as scary, perhaps, as the coffee one. But indeed it is. And so I really hope that government and also people and businesses in this case, start thinking about what they can do. But as I mentioned, and I think there was also a question in the q&a panel session about this, I think we really need to have at the policy level, some kind of incentives. So to raise the awareness on the fact that is the time to act now. Because whatever we put in place in the next 10 years will stay there for 2030 years, at least. At least. So, I have the treaty does bring some additional awareness and reader an obligation for industries also to get involved. Of course, this cannot be price is not priceless. So there should be some incentives. And I guess that’s really one of the key point, I hope this epitomy will bring a bit more of this awareness on what we can and we should do for the planet. They also saw that quarantined is bringing some co2 emission reduction, which is quite impressive. Current positive side is not so positive situation.

Unknown Speaker 59:33
But it when

Belén Gallego 59:34
it comes to my manual attempts, that member said, you know, yeah, a few people might be affected by coveri you know, most people will be fine. I’ll stop flying. I’ll stop meeting people and stop and like, you’re all gonna die because of climate change. Yeah, I’m gonna change my lifestyle, like

Unknown Speaker 59:51
that responds, you know, so.

Belén Gallego 59:54
But anyway, okay, so thank you very much, everyone, for being there. And thank you very much for keeping answering those questions. Miguel and Christian and Okay, we got a thank you very much for your expertise. Christian, thank you very much for being there for your success in it same to you and everyone that is at home as well. Listening. Thank you very much for being there. We organize a lot of this. Okay, so yes, signed on to the next one. There is a lot to learn in this time quarantine. Thank you very much. Bye. Thank you. Bye bye

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