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According to the US National Energy Storage Association’s (ESA) latest ‘US Energy Storage Monitor’ report, 910 MWh of new energy storage systems were brought online in Q1 2021 in the US. The forecast is for 12,000 MWh of new energy storage will be added in 2021, three times the amount added in 2020.

The workshop Building resilience into the US grid with storage technology will dig deep on the opportunities for energy storage to provide resilience to the US power system, analyzing state of-the-art technology and its application to specific services. The agenda will also look into the business models for energy storage and the bankability of the energy storage projects.

This workshop will focus on the following points:
• Hear about the challenges that the US grid is facing and how innovation in energy storage can increase its resilience through the decarbonization process

• Study the varied business models for energy storage assets in the US and see how markets and policies are remunerating them

• Analyze lessons learnt on real projects to streamline your project deployment and improve the profitability of your storage assets

• Explore how to secure investment and financing for energy storage projects for grid resiliency with key partners and innovative financial structures

Arthur Lord, Senior Program Manager, Energy & Sustainability at Microsoft

Speakers: Angelina Galiteva from California ISO, Nate Blair from NREL, Randell Johnson from Acelerex, Cassandra Heller from Wärtsilä

Storage technologies are diverse and they also have different strengths and weaknesses. In this session we analyze the strengths of each technology and their optimized applications in adding resilience, stability and firmness to the grid.
• Consider what are the needs of the US grid in terms of resilience, stability and firmness and model how to build a resilient grid to withstand future instability challenges
• Evaluate the technology and cost-effectiveness and duration of different storage technologies including lithium, flow batteries, thermal storage, cryogenic, hydrogen and more
• Calculate the optimum mix of technologies in the US grid that would provide optimum grid resilience at the lowest possible cost, considering all the grid wholistically

Speakers: AES, Powin

In this session we focus on the regulatory and technical aspects that companies are encountering when developing storage projects in US.
• Listen to the permitting and regulatory challenges that developers face in completing storage projects successfully, and how these change state by state
• Learn how to align your project with bankable equipment manufacturers to overcome procurement bottlenecks and setbacks
• Hear lessons learnt on real projects that have already been connected successfully and are providing grid resilience services

Speakers: Siemens Financial, Marathon Capital

This session will look at the major institutions that are backing battery storage projects in the US – and what they look for when deciding whether to finance a project.
• Analyze the bankability criteria for different business models of energy storage including merchant and power purchase agreements (PPAs)
• Learn how to avoid supply-chain constraints of key equipment that leads to financing bottlenecks
• Explore SPACs and other financial innovative models in relation to cleantech, understand their pros and cons. Learn what kind of fund-raising might suit a SPAC, and when a traditional fundraising is more appropriate

Grid instability and blackouts are threatening the entire US power grid. From California to Washington DC, power grids are being strained by extreme weather that result from climate change.

The power infrastructure is vulnerable to wildfires, which threaten transmission lines; drought, which saps hydropower resources; and heat waves; which play havoc with demand. If a heat wave strikes the whole region at once, the rolling outages that darkened Southern California and Silicon Valley last August will have been trailers of the movie to come. If that were not complicated enough, electricity providers face retroactive penalties if regulators decide they did not do enough to keep the lights on.
Energy storage is the most promising technology innovation that adds resilience, stability and firmness to the grid, whilst allowing more VRE to integrate. As such, the DOE is working toward cheaper, longer duration energy storage to reach the current goal of 100% clean electricity by 2035. They have recently launched the ‘Better Energy Storage Technology Act’, which seeks to align U.S. research efforts to promote advancements in long duration energy storage technologies.

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