Webinar: How to deploy energy efficiency to make huge savings on your large buildings’ energy bills

Wednesday,  December 12th at 14:00 GST/ 11:00 CET  (Check your local time)

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Investing in energy efficiency makes your building assets work better for you and your tenants, enabling you to get more for your money and save big on energy and water. This webinar analyzes how working hand-in-hand with world-class Energy Saving Companies (ESCOs), with the right credentials and know-how, makes the process simpler, more effective and low risk:

  • Learn about the potential of energy efficiency and how you can unlock it with minimal risk, either with your own investment with a ‘guaranteed savings contract’ or the ESCO’s investment with a ‘shared savings contract’ where you don’t have to invest upfront
  • Understand the straightforward process from energy audit to implementation and then to measurement and verification, the stage in which ESCOs monitor and demonstrate your energy savings
  • Find out how innovative technologies allow you to save money on your bills whilst achieving the highest performance and service

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